Chapter 17~ Say A Prayer

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An hour after they get to the hospital

Emily's P.O.V

I sit a Harry's beside staring at the

unconscious boy in front of me. He was like a brother to me, not that the other lads are like brothers but Harry and I are very close especially because I've been there to help him stop cutting. It's mind boggling I have no I des why he would cut again he nearly lost his life the doctor said he was very lucky that I found him when I did five minutes more and he probably would have been dead. I get brought back from my thoughts when I feel Zayn's hand slide into mine. He had gone to take a walk and leaving me with Harry for ten minutes.

"He's doing better,still not conscious yet but," I say releasing Harry's hand and getting up and sitting on Zayn's lap curling into a ball an laying his chest.

"He'll be ok," Zayn whispers kissing my head.

Just then the other lads along with Louis, Liam, and Carlie walk into the.

"How's he doing?" Carlie asks as she goes over to the couch and sits down with Niall laying her head on his shoulder.

"Much better," I say trying to smile.

We sit in the room until about five ish but of course Niall had to get hungry so they went to get some food. Zayn of course stayed with me but he had to use the bathroom so he left and promised he would be back soon. I was just sitting there when I felt something squeeze my hand, I look down and see its Harry's. I look up to his face and see his eyes open and looking at me and I break down sobbing and I kiss the back of his hand.

"Let me get a nurse," I say starting to get up but I'm stopped by Harry pulling me back.

"Em I'm fine just come here please," he says pleading hoarsely. I couldn't deny it I went back and he scooted over and I lay down next to him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started petting my head. I continued to cry into his shoulder, I felt relieved that he was alive.

"It's ok cry all you want it's ok I'm ok," he whispered into my hair.

"I'm just so happy you're ok, you scared all of us we thought we had lost you don't ever do this again," I plead looking at him through my tears.

"I promise," he says smiling at me with he cheeky smile.

"Now I'm gonna go get you a nurse," I say getting off the bed. "Don't go anywhere while I'm gone."

"Ok I won't," he chuckles.

I come back with a nurse to find Harry and the lads including Zayn and Carlie chatting. As soon as Zayn saw me he got up and came over to me wrapping his arms around my waist engulfing me in his warmness.

"Everyone is so happy," he says kissing me softly on the neck making me moan softly.

"I'm just happy he's alive," I say smiling.

The nurse checked Harry's vitals and said he would be able to go home tomorrow we all sat and chatted until visiting hours were over. Only one of us was allowed to stay overnight, and the boys and I decided it should be Carlie because they obviously were both head over heels for each other. We said our goodnights and then left Carlie and Harry to get to know each other. We got into the van, me and Zayn in the far back, Louis and Liam in the middle , and Niall was already passed out in the front seat and Paul drove.

"Today was one stressful day," I said starting to kiss Zayn's neck playfully making him moan softly.

"You're killing me here," he said as he ran his hand down my back and gripping my but. "Do you want to do it when we get back to the flat," he asked as I ran my hand down his chest to his area.

"As much as I want to fuck you right now, I can't I'm on my period and it would be painful. But I can satisfy your needs," I say playfully rubbing him.

"Ok I'm fine with that but next week when your feeling better I owe you a good night," he says smiling.

"NO PDA IN THE VAN!"Louis yells making me and Zayn jump.

"Sorry Lou bear I forgot we weren't alone," I say smirking and kissing Zayn softly.

When we got back to the the flat Zayn dragged me up the stairs to our room. I shoved him onto the edge of the bed unzipping his fly and pulling down his pants to his knees. His bulge was visible through his boxers, pulled down his boxers and took it in my left hand and slowly started to rub up and down making it go hard and making Zayn go throw his head back and moan with pleasure. I move it to my mouth and put it in. I move my tong around it making Zayn go crazy.

"I'm gonna......" Zayn starts but it happens and I go with it I swallow the paste not giving two fucks about it just caring that he was happy even though it wasn't us actually doing it. And the fact he respected that I was on my period made me want to make him more happy. I knew that he meant what he said earlier about how he would pay me back next week when I wasn't doubling over in pain. I continued to rub it, when I finished I pulled up his boxers and helped him take off his shoes and pants and then we both got under the covers and cuddled.

"That was amazing, you were amazing," he said smiling down at me stroking my hair.

"I'd do anything to make you happy," said smiling just a little sadly.

"Hey, what's wrong Emily dot you dare think I didn't like it," he said taking my chin and making me look at him.

"Nothing I just wish I could have given you more," I said smiling looking up at him.

"Don't ever think that you couldn't give me it all you gave me all you could and ill make sure you get all you need next week when you're feeling better," he said smiling down at me kindly. The rest of the night we cuddled and joked around until we fell asleep in each others arms, I can't believe I'm this lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend who cares about me.

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