Chapter 18~ Lazy Day

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I wake up to a shooting pain in my abdomen making me curl into a ball and moan accidentally waking up Zayn.

"Em what's wrong," Zayn says rolling me over so I'm facing him.

"Pills," is all I can get out because I'm in so much pain.

"Pills?"he asks confusedly.

"Period cramps,"I manage to get out before another wave of cramps hipt me.

"Where are they," Zayn says panicking as he jumps out of bed.

"Bathroom, in the cabinet in the blue bottle just get me two," I say moaning in pain. He sprints to the bathroom and is back in a matter of minutes with two small pills and a glass of water. I sit up and. take them from him gratefully , I toss the pills in my mouth and take a gulp of water swallowing the pills. I lay back down and curl into a ball again and wait for the pain to go away. I feel Zayn get back into bed with me and I feel him slip his arms around me and pull me close.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this," I say softly.

"It's ok love," he says kissing my neck lightly making me relax.

"Thank you for not freaking out," I say relaxing and let my body mold into his.

"I think today is gonna be a lazy day for us ill be your personal servant," he says kissing me again.

"I think that's a good idea," I say as I close my eyes. "Don't forget that Hazz is coming home today and Carlie is gonna be here too," I say as I intertwine my fingers in Zayn's.

Harry's P.O.V

I wake up in the hospital kinda confused at first but then I remember  why I'm there, I don't know why I had cut maybe it was because I felt lonely but after I saw Emily's face yesterday when I woke up it broke my heart I will try my hardest never to cut again I can't hurt her like that anymore she had helped me so much and I couldn't go in hurting her like this. I all of a sudden feel something stir next to me and I look down thinking its Emily but its not. It's some random girl but then I remember it's Carlie Emily's friend an that she had stayed the night and we had gotten to know each other pretty well, I think I might be falling for her.

"Good morning love," I say smiling.

"Hi Harry how are you feeling this morning," she says smiling sweetly making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"I'm better I'm just very drained of energy right now," I say.

"Well  when you get home you are gonna rest all day," she says sternly smiling a little.

"Fine by me, but only if you hang out with me,"I say cheekily.

Carlie's P.O.V

I wake up next to Harry in the hospital bed. I had stayed the night and he and I had gotten to know each other really well, I think I'm starting to fall for him heck I know I'm falling for him I've been in love with him since the first time I saw him on the X-Factor. We sat and chatted all morning until the other lads came to pick us up.

"Where are Emily and Zayn," I ask Niall as we walk out of the hospital. I'm standing close to Harry just to make sure he's ok walking on his own.

"They're back at the flat,Emily want feeling to bright this morning girl issue," Louis said.

All of a sudden I feel something in my hand and I look down  and see Harry's hand in mine, my cheeks go red and he must of noticed because he tries to pull his hand from mine.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to I just wanted to hold someone's hand," he says some what embarrassed.

"It's ok I actually kinda like it," I say squeezing his hand softly. I can't believe I'm holding hands with Harry and I think he may like me too no boy I have ever met has ever held my hand and apologizes. I smile and keep walking. We get to the van and all get in and I sit in the back with Harry to keep him company and also because I didn't want to leave his side. The ride back is quiet besides the slight chatter coming from the front where Liam is flipping out because Niall keeps shoving a plastic spoon in his face.  These boys are crazy maybe that's why Emily and I love them so much.

The Dream Of A Life TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora