"I am arresting you on suspicion of breaking and entering. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." I hold his arm behind his back and begin to move him to the van.

After dragging them back to the van, we bundle them inside and slam the doors on them. They're not our problem now. We've done our job and caught them.

Officer Regnary and I are driving through the streets, just doing out rounds and looking out for trouble. I look up from the report I am reading and notice that we are on Nikki's road.

I look at her house as we pass and I see a man arguing with her on her front door step. He's getting very close to her, shouting in her face. She's trying her best not to look scared, but she is. Nikki is tiny compared to him as he towers over her.

"Regnary, stop the car." I order as I unclip my seat belt and open the door. Before he's stopped completely, I'm out of the car and walking up the small gravel path to her house.

The gravel crunches under my heavy boots and they both turn to look at me. "Nikki, is everything okay?" I ask her as I look the man up and down. He may be tall next to Nikki, but next to my six foot four frame, he's tiny.

"She's fine." Snarls the man as he attempts to square up to me. I smirk a little and stand up straight, he instantly shrinks back. The fact that I'm in my Police uniform probably intimidates him a little more.

"Corey was just leaving." Sighs Nikki and I turn my attention back to her. She pushes her gorgeous hair behind her ears and looks up at me.

"Bye, I wasn't. You have to take me back." The man, now identified as Corey, now sounds as though he's begging and he gets closer to Nikki. I quickly step between them.

"I think you need to leave, buddy." I inch forwards ever so slightly and Corey frowns at me.

"I don't know who you think you are, Mr Police officer, but leave me and my girlfriend alone." He barks and goes to push me out the way, but I grab his arm and twist it behind his back, holding him in place.

"I am not your girlfriend anymore!" Nikki cries out, running her fingers through her hair, completely exasperated.

"Do you want me to arrest him, Nikki?" I ask her as I hear Regnary get out of the car and make his way over to us, assessing the situation.

"No, let him go." She waves a hand, dismissing us and I release his restrained arm. Corey rubs his shoulder, scowling at me.

"Get out of here, or I will arrest you." I warn Corey and he grumbles something that I don't hear before slinking off down the path casting devious glares in my direction. Regnary follows him, making sure he leaves, then he climbs back in to the car.

I turn back to Nikki. "Are you okay? Truthfully?" I ask her and she looks up at me with a fed up expression in her green eyes.

"I found him cheating on me the day you dropped me at home for the fourth time. I kicked him out, but he's come back every day, begging me to take him back." Nikki explains to me and I run my fingers through my hair.

"You could get a restraining order put on him." I tell her and she just shakes her head.

"I don't want to piss him off. He wouldn't hurt me, it's not like he's dangerous or anything." Nikki explains to me and I nod. She looks at her watch then swears under her breath.

"I've got to get back to work. Thank you." She tells me and I nod once again. "I'll see you next week Daniel." I frown at her slightly. Oh yeah. I said I'd go for another counselling session.

"Bye, Nikki." I say as I walk back to the police car and climb in. I look over to Regnary as I put my seat belt on. He's to busy staring at Nikki, his mouth hanging open, to even realize I've got back in the car.

"Shut your mouth, Regnary." I mumble and he turns to scowl at me.

"Why do you have to call me by my surname?" He grumbles as he starts the car and drives away without another glance at Nikki.

"Force of habit." I say simply and he doesn't comment for a few minutes. We drive in silence until he speaks up again.

"That chick was smokin' " He laughs and I frown at him angrily. "What?" Regnary continues to laugh as he drives.

That was actually a good question. I have no claim over Nikki. She's not my girlfriend, nor do I have any interest in her being mine. We're not even friends exactly.

"Nothing." I groan as I sit back in my seat, leaning against the tinted windows of the cop car. I don't know why, but I didn't like the idea of another guy being with Nikki, or liking her. But I don't have any claim over her and I don't want to.

She's different. She keeps me on my toes. Nikki is funny, she's clever, kind and very astute. She's also the first girl to really catch my eye in eight years.

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