Chapter 24 - Everything They Wanted

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"Lily relax your okay your in a hospital, Johnnie is beside you" Kyle says holding my hand and trying to calm me down

I look to my left and see Johnnie beside me also lying in a hospital bed. I couldn't remember why I was here but now I do. That night when I saw Johnnie lying there surrounded in blood I never knew if he would make it or not. Instead of going back to cutting because I've been clean for so long I decided I would try and knock myself out with a rock and I guess it worked. I kind of regret it now because I have a killer head ache.

"Johnnie I-" I begin to say

"Lily we can talk about this later just as long as your okay I don't care about anything else, just relax we should be getting out soon hopefully and then we can talk about it" he says

"Okay" I say and my stomach makes a weird grumbling sound

"Oh that's right yous must be hungry, me and Kyle will go get yous something to eat" Jordan says getting up and Kyle follows but Kyle looks upset a bit


"You go get them a drink and I'll go get the food" Jordan says

I walk over to the vending machine but there is a girl in front of me and she starts to sob.

"Hey are you okay?" I say and she turns around startled not knowing I was behind her

"Yeah I'm sorry I didn't realise anyone was behind I'll be fine" she smiles and wipes away her tears

"Are you sure we could sit down and talk if you would like?" I say trying to make her feel better


"If you don't want to it's fine just so you don't build it up inside sometimes it's better to talk to someone" I say

"Em okay" she says

We both walk over and sit at a table in the cafeteria. She's so pretty she has blonde short hair, blue eyes and a lip piercing on her right.

"So what's your name?" I ask

"Meghan, what's yours?" She smiles

"Kyle so why were you so upset"

"Well I came here because my grandparent took a heart attack and she fell and the way she's fell she's landed on her arm and she has broken arm. I just really hope she's okay and if anything was too happen to her I don't know what I'd do" she starts to sob again

"Hey hey don't cry, I'm sure she'll be fine, from they way you were talking about her she seems like a really strong woman" I say trying to make her feel better

"Yeah she is, I feel so stupid for crying but I love her so much" she says wiping away the tears

"No don't be everyone cries and it's clear that you love her" I smile

"If you don't mind me asking why are you here?"

"Well it's a long story but two of my friends had an accident and to be honest I don't even want to be on Warped Tour it's just been nothing but trouble" I say sighing

"Oh, I hope they're okay and your on Warped Tour?  Are you like in a band? I'm going to Warped Tour but in Ohio because that's where I'm from but I'm not sure if I'm going anymore it just depends how she does"

"Yeah they're fine and no I'm a Warped YouTuber and your from Ohio?" I smile

"I thought I knew your face from somewhere but I wasn't sure I don't really watch YouTubers I just listen to bands and yeah where are you from?"

How I fell in love with Johnnie Guilbert (a Johnnie Guilbert FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now