Chapter 1 - Getting Ready

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"Wake up we don't want to be late!" I jilted awake to see my mum as she switched on the room light. It was so bright.

"Okay okay I'll get ready the now" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

I look at my phone to check the time, it was 3:30am. Why does my mum always pick an early flight? I'm so tired maybe I shouldn't have stayed up all night watching MDE.

It's just too good it has all my favourite YouTubers on it, like Bryan Stars, Alex Dorame, Jordan Sweeto, Jeydon Wale, Kyle David Hall and more ... but my favourite has to be Johnnie Guilbert.

Ever since my friend told me to watch him I was hooked, he was the first YouTuber I actually liked and then I started to watch more YouTubers.

So now I basically don't sleep, I watch YouTubers or I'm on Social media or watching TV series (Supernatural)!

I pick up my toiletry bag and head to the bathroom. As I'm about to open the door Lexi jumps in front of me and slams the door in my face.

"Lexi what the hell!" I banged on the door

"Not fast you're last" she laughed

I sat down outside the bathroom waiting for my evil little sister to come out. She is literally the favourite daughter, I'm just the disappointment. So there is Me, Lexi, Max and my mum and dad, Lexi and Max are twins. I feel sorry for Max sometimes they think he's "not intelligent" but I just think he's a slow learner.

The door flys open and Lexi walks out with her "perfect" make-up and clothes/style or so my mum and dad says. She just smirks and walks downstairs.

I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on. After the shower I get ready and put on my black skinnies and my Bring Me The Horizon top with my pair of black converse. I look in the mirror to see that I am so pale, so I decide to put a bit of make-up on. I have straight chocolate brown hair and a hoop nose piercing. My mum and dad never approved of the nose piercing they say "its too goth" and looks ridiculous but I love it.

I pick up my suitcase and take it downstairs I leave it beside the front door waiting for my dad to put it in the taxi for when it comes. I walk over and sit on the couch beside Max who is on YouTube watching people play Minecraft.

"You are NOT leaving this house looking like that, especially when we are going somewhere sunny" my mum said angrily

"But it's my life and I can wear what I want mum"

"NO! If you live under my roof my rules go get changed I left out a nice pair of shorts and beautiful top"

"So I don't even have a say in what I wear anymore I'm 17" I said walking upstairs

"You'll do what I say I'm your mum, I'm doing what's best for you, you don't want people to make fun of you for wearing that"

I just ignored her I'm so sick of being treated like a baby I'm 17 I'm almost an adult, I can even drive and in a year I can drink. But I still can't have a say in what I wear.

I look on my bed and see a pair of blue jean shorts and a bright pink belly top. Doesn't she realise I'm so insecure about my body and she wants me to wear a belly top?

I put the clothes on because I don't want any arguments I actually want to enjoy this holiday, I'll just keep my arms over my belly.


I'm guessing the taxi is here.

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