Chapter 20 - Decisions

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When I got back to the bus I went straight to my bunk but not shutting the curtain because I didn't want them to suspect any thing is wrong. I try to get my mind off things and go through Twitter on my phone but I just can't! It won't go out of my mind, I'll have to act like I was never there and act normal but it's so hard to do. I cover my face trying not to cry.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" Johnnie's says sitting next to me and putting his hands on my arms.

How can he act like this? Like everything is fine and what I witnessed never happened! To be honest how can he act like the full thing never happened!

"No I'm fine I guess I just feel a bit light headed" I force a smile

"Aw do you want me to lye next to you" he smiled and trying to lye beside me

"Actually I think I'm just going to lye by myself" I say

"Oh okay, I guess I'll go sit with the others then" he looked so surprised that I had said that and he walked away

Thank God he left I can't pretend like nothing happened! It's killing me, he's such a hypocrite when I told a white lie about knowing him he freaked out! But he thinks this is okay to lie about! Maybe he was trying to get even? Tears start to stream down my face. I can't take this. I'll just be in his way he has to support Alex and their child.

"Lily are you alright? What's the matter?" Kyle says sitting beside me

"Yeah I guess I just feel home sick" I say wiping the tears away

"What? You've been gone for months and now you feel home sick?" He looks confused well I should have had a better excuse maybe this is my way to get home.

"Yeah I guess it finally hit me" I say sitting up

"Well not that I want to see you go or anything but maybe you should tell Johnnie that you need to go home I'm sure he'll understand" he says leaning in for a hug

"Yeah you're right I'm just going to tell him" in actual fact I don't know what to do should I tell him the real reason I want to leave.

Even though we weren't dating at the time he went with Alex I still feel cheated on. I also don't like how he treated her what if that was me would he do the same? I don't want to be with a person like that, I miss the old Johnnie. Unless this was the true Johnnie all along.

"Okay I'm going to tell him the now" I get up and walk into the lounge where Johnnie is sitting with Jordan and Damon. I'm going to tell him the truth if he found out I knew this and kept it from him he would be angry.

"Johnnie can I talk to you?"

"Em sure is something wrong?" He says looking worried

"Can we just talk outside?"

"I guess" he gets up and we both walk outside

"So what's up?" He says

"I know Johnnie, I know about you and Alex. I had to tell you I know I couldn't keep it from you"

He becomes speechless and just stares at the ground.

"Johnnie I think I should go home" I say also looking at the ground

"But you-you can't Lily I love you and I've never felt that way about anyone before. You can't leave me now we just got together" his eyes start to swell up

"I'm sorry I just realise now that when Alex does have her baby you'll need to be there to support her and your child and I don't want to get in the way of that. Johnnie I really do love you but you need to be there for Alex I'm just in your way, you need to step up" I say holding his face and looking into his ocean blue eyes

"Lily I don't want to lose you over a one night stand" he grabs me into a tight hug

"Johnnie don't you realise that one night stand has cost you a baby soon. I'm sorry I've made up my mind I'm leaving in the morning I've brought all my stuff I had anyway, not that I exactly had much" I release from the hug

"Goodbye Johnnie, and I won't say anything to anyone else it's not my place" I walk away

I see a grassy hill and a pond beside it, I decided to sit there for a while to try and clear my head. I have no idea what I actually want to do, I love Johnnie, I fell in love with him at first sight. Maybe I'm over-reacting I could help both of them out I'm sure but I was planning on leaving after Warped anyway. I find stones lying and began to throw them in the pond I love the splash noise it makes. Just then someone's puts their hand on my shoulder.

"Johnnie can I just be left alone the now" I turn around but not to see Johnnie

"I'm guessing you told him then" Kyle says sitting down beside me

"Oh yeah... I did and he didn't take it too good"

"I didn't think he would but at least you told him the truth"

"Yeah... Em Kyle how did you know I was down here anyway?" I say continuing to throw stones in the pond

"Oh I saw you walk down here and you looked upset so I came here to make sure you were okay" he then begins throwing stones into the pond too

"Well thank you Kyle you really are a kind person, but if you should be with anyone shouldn't it be Johnnie yous too are like the closest people I've ever met" I go to pick up another stone and so does he and our hands meet

"We do hang out a lot when we get the chance but to be honest I've been hanging out with him more so I can become closer with you Lily"

"What? I'm confused. Me?"

"Lily I think I like you and I know what I'm about to do is reckless and he's my friend but right now I don't care" he puts his hands on my face and kisses me

I didn't know what to do I just kissed him back but in my head I kept saying to myself,

I love Johnnie Guilbert, I love Johnnie Guilbert, I love Johnnie Guilbert, I like Kyle David hall...

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