Chapter 23 - Love Is A Powerful Thing

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No this isn't the end of us I'm not giving up, if he just listens to me maybe he'll understand and forgive me. I need to give it a shot.

I wipe away my tears and stand up and try to figure out where Johnnie would go. If I was Johnnie and this happened to me I would where no one knows about. Maybe the Forrest or the pond I was at they are well hidden places I'll check the Forrest first.

I run as fast as I could to the Forrest where him and Alex met but when I got there it was really hard to see because of how dark it was. I doubt Johnnie would come here especially when it's really dark he would need the torch on his phone which he left when we went for the walk.


"The bus is leaving in 5 minutes if you're not back they're leaving I'm trying to convince them to wait until you and Johnnie get back but they're not having it" Bryan texted me

I need to find Johnnie right now, I'll try the pond next. I run as fast as I could to the pond and when I got there I see Johnnie sitting with something in his hand. His hand is shaking really bad and he begins to cry, I walk closer and he drops the sharp edged stone that was in his hand. What has he done.

"Johnnie what have you done to you're self?" I run and sit down beside him and pull him into a tight hug but he just sits there blood dripping from his arm and crying

"I'm sorry Johnnie I'm so so sorry, please we need to go and get you to a doctors" I try and help him up but he pushes me away

"NO! You stay away from me! I loved you and now look... now look... Wha..." He then falls to the ground

"Johnnie! Johnnie! Wake up! Please wake up!" I start shaking him but he doesn't wake up, what do I do?! I'll phone Bryan!

"Bryan! I found Johnnie but he's passed out and there is blood everywhere you need to come help him, were at the pond bring Kyle with you he knows where it is"

"Okay we're coming just hold on!" I hang up

I put my head on his chest to see if his heart is still beating, it is, luckily. How could you do this to yourself Johnnie.

It bring back memories of what I had done that day, if he dies I don't want to live anymore it would be all my fault. I look over to see the stone Johnnie used, I lean over and pick it up. The blood on the stone is still a bit warm, am I really going to do this again.


"Lily just phoned she found Johnnie and he's hurt, Kyle she said he's at the pond and you've to take me there quickly" I said leaving the tour bus

"We're coming with you, Jordan just told us everything that's happened" Damon and Jeydon also leave the tour bus with Jordan

We all just started to run to this pond where only Kyle knew where it was, we got to a grassy hill and then Kyle shouts...

"It's just down there!" We run even faster because we know we are close

When we get to the pond we see Johnnie and Lily lying on the ground and we run down to them.

"Someone phone an ambulance!" I scream

Me and Jordan sits beside Johnnie to make sure he is still breathing until and ambulance comes for them. While Kyle and Damon sit beside Lily to make sure she's still breathing. Jeydon phones an ambulance, I just hope they can get here as fast as they can.


I feel weird and I hear loud strange noises, I force open my eyes and i see Jordan sitting in front of me.

"Hey you're up great! How you feeling buddy?" He says sounding happy to see me

"I've been better I guess, am I in a hospital?" I ask

"Yeah... Oh you've to phone Bryan as soon as you can"

"What he's not here?"

"He couldn't, he really wanted to but it was part of his contract that he would attend every class he has. So he couldn't back out of it" he says

"Oh... That's okay I understand but I'm fine now I can just leave and go back on Warped and so who's all here then because I don't want to stop yous all from Warped" I force a smile

"Em actually it's just me and... Well Kyle" he says so nervously

"What! Why is he here I never want to see his face again!" I say crossing my arms and a excruciating pain struck my arm

"Well tough! I'm here!" Kyle says and pulls back the curtain beside me

"Leave me alone! I don't need you to be here for me!"I shout

"Johnnie who said I was here for you?" He said

"Well... Who would you be here for?" I ask kind of confused

"Lily, she in here too, actually right beside you" he steps away from the curtain and I see Lily lying on the hospital bed knocked out cold

"What? Why is Lily in here? What happened to her?"

"For someone who was done with her and never wanted to see her again, you sure as hell care about her a lot" Kyle says smirking, why is he being such an ass

"Of course I care about her! She my girlfri..." I stop speaking

"You're girlfriend but you told her that yous are over, you're the reason she's in this mess to begin with!"

"Hey back off Kyle! You're the one going with you're best friends girl who does that!" Jordan says sticking up for me

"You know what yes I did! And I don't regret it one bit because I love her! Do you know how hard it was for me to do this to you! But I had no choice I had to be with her I love her so much but yet she chose you" he shouts

"Kyle I-I didn't know but how could you like someone who you just met like 3 days ago?"

"It's hard to explain but I saw her and I just knew she was the one for me you know?"

"She does have that affect on people, me for sure anyway" I say feeling bad now but why should I feel bad? He could have just told me.

Just then we hear Lily mumble something...

"Is she awake?" I ask

"I'll go check" Kyle walks over to her and sits on the side of her bed, he then holds her hand. I feel a bit of jealousy rage through me.

She mumbles again, what is she saying?

"Johnnie..." She slightly mumbles again

"She's saying my name" I say feeling happy about it

"JOHNNIE!" She shouts and sits up from her bed breathing really really heavily...


•I just want to thank you guys so much for actually reading my fanfic it really does mean a lot and I love all the likes and comments I get :)

•I also want to apologise for this rubbish chapter, to be honest I don't know where this story is going anymore so it will probably be ending soon :(

How I fell in love with Johnnie Guilbert (a Johnnie Guilbert FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now