Chapter 8 - Feelings

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Lily looks out of this world, I just can't believe how beautiful she looks. I thought she was beautiful before but now she's even more beautiful which I never thought could happen.

" a bad way?" She looked upset

"What? No in a good way silly, you look amazing!" I held her hand

"Thank you Johnnie and so do you but that's nothing strange" she laughed

"Thank you, do you want to go now?" I asked looking into her bright green eyes

"Yes let's go" she smiled

I held her hand all the way to the car and opened the car door for her. What can I say I'm such a gentleman.

"So where do you want to go for something to eat" I asked since it was kinda a last minute thing I still wished I asked her sooner

"Em well why don't we just go for some ice cream or something"

"What? But that means you got all dressed up for nothing just for... ice cream"

"No Johnnie I got dressed up for you" she said blushing

She got dressed up for me? Does she like me? Maybe I'm over thinking this maybe she just likes me as a friend and got dressed up because it was a dinner thing.

"You mean because I asked you to dinner?" I asked nervous


Why doesn't he realise I really like him, I'm trying to hint to him but he's not getting it. I'm just going to tell him I have to it's probably going to be my only chance to see if he likes me back, which I doubt.

"Johnnie I don't normally tell people how I truly feel but with you I'm a completely different person. I can be who I want to be and I can't believe I'm saying this but I really like you and I know we've just met but our day at Universal and right now when I see you. I feel.... I'm sorry you probably just wanted to be friends and now I've ruined that and I'm so s..." I was interrupted when Johnnie pulled over and stopped the car.

"Lily I'm sorry if I made you think we could be more than friends but I'm not looking for a relationship right now and I just like you as a friend and like you said we've just met. You are a beautiful girl Lily don't think that your not but... your just not the girl for me... I thought we could just be friends, sorry"

There was a moment of silence and I just ruined everything with him I'm so stupid I need to just go home.

"No I'm sorry Johnnie I was being stupid to ever think you would like me back, I'll just go" I said and opened the car door and started walking back to my hotel.

I started to walk down the street but I had no idea where I was going. I didn't know how to get back I just kept walking. How could I be so stupid, as if Johnnie Guilbert was ever going to like me I'm just so tired of being a fuck up.
I'm done.

Beep! Beep!

Johnnie pulled up beside me in his car but I just continued to walk and he slowly drives beside me.

"Lily don't be ridiculous it's going to rain and you probably have no idea how to get back home. You don't even need to go back home we can still get ice cream. Come Lily get in the car"

"No I'm fine I can walk I don't care if it rains and I'll find my way home but thanks" I said being stubborn

"Lily please just get in the car and I'll take you home if that's what you really want"

I could feel the rain starting to come on I guess he was right, small bits of rain drops start dropping on to my pale skin.

"No Johnnie that's not what I want I just want to be left alone okay so just go home" I said trying to walk faster but I'm not faster than a car so Johnnie easily matches my speed.

It starts to rain heavy and in 2 minutes I'm completely soaked.

"That's it" Johnnie stops his car and jumps out

"Get in the car Lily or I lift you in myself" he seemed a bit angry now

"Johnnie go away I don't need your help! Leave me alone!" I shout

I start to run to get as far away from him as possible but he runs after me. I see a wooden fence and jump over it, I start to roll down a really steep hill full of grass and tress. I try to stop myself but couldn't I just kept rolling and rolling until...


How I fell in love with Johnnie Guilbert (a Johnnie Guilbert FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now