Chapter 14 - Better

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It has been 2 months since I woke up in the hospital, I now visit a therapist twice a week. She really does help and I'm glad I go, I didn't want to go at first but it was either that or the mental institution. It was my doctor and Johnnie that convinced me to go but mostly Johnnie. Speaking of Johnnie I've been staying with him and Bryan since I got out of the hospital but the only problem is I can't stay there forever. My mum did say once I am feeling better I've to come home but to be honest I never want to go back there! Johnnie and Bryan have been so kind to me and I do think I have to go home, I have over stayed my welcome. I don't want to leave but I have to I just don't want to tell Johnnie we really have built up a very close relationship.

I'm waiting outside my therapist for Johnnie and Bryan to pick me up, we are supposed to be out for lunch. I think that would be the best time to tell them both. Johnnie pulls up and Bryan jumps out the front and jumps in the back.

"Here you go Lily" Bryan says

"Thanks Bryan" I hop in the front

"So do you want to go to that vegan place" Johnnie smiles

"Yeah sure" I say nervous because I know I have to tell them

"What's up, is something wrong?" He looks worried

"Em... yeah there is...I have to tell you something, both of you"

"Well go on then Lily tell us we can handle whatever it is" Bryan says while Johnnie stays silent

"I'll just tell yous when we get to the vegan place"


It takes is roughly 10 minutes to get there. We find a booth were we can sit, Johnnie and Bryan sit beside each other and I face them both.

"Okay I just have to tell yous and you don't know how hard it is to say it..."

"Just tell us Lily" Johnnie says staring into my eyes

"I-I I have to leave... I need to go home I feel as if I have over stayed my welcome and I just don't live in America. It's about time I go home but you don't know how grateful I am for you guys being there for me because of what I went through so thank you so much"

"What no you can't leave you haven't over-stayed your welcome, you can stay as long as you want. Just stay a bit longer please Lily..." Johnnie says holding my hand

"I can't Johnnie I wish I could but I really can't and I am feeling better now so it is about time I go home"

"No I don't want you to leave, we don't want you to leave right Bryan... Bryan say something tell her we want her to stay" he says furrowing his brows at Bryan

"Johnnie's right we don't want you to leave... so why not come on Warped Tour with us as a guest for the full tour?"

"That's a great idea Bryan, what do you say Lily? Come with us?" Johnnie says as the grib on my hand gets tighter

"But I don't want to intrude because it's not just yous its with Alex Dorame, Jordan Sweeto, Kyle David Hall, Jeydon Wale and Damon Fizzy. I really don't want to ruin it because I'm not a YouTuber because it is Warped YouTubers"

"You won't be just come and then you can go home, Me and Johnnie would love it if you did" Bryan says smiling

"Okay... but then I have to go home after Warped Tour" I don't want to but I have to be realistic

"Yay! So it's settled we are going to Warped together all three of us plus Alex, Jordan, Kyle and Damon" Johnnie's face lit up, his smile means everything to me

"Where's the Waitress? Oh never mind here she comes" Bryan says with a funny creepy smile


-Sorry it's such a short chapter but it will become longer because of Wapred Tour and stuff but yeah...

-Thank you for almost 500 reads!!! I hope yous are enjoying it so far :)

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