Chapter 17 - The Day Before Warped Tour

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I've had so much fun the past couple of days and to just think Warped Tour is tomorrow I'm just so excited. Today we're going to pick up all the Warped YouTubers from the Airport. Like Alex Dorame, Kyle David Hall, Jordan Sweeto, Damon Fizzy and Jeydon Wale. I'm so excited to meet them but hopefully they'll like me. For the past weeks I've been doing YouTube Videos and people surprisingly like me and I've gotten over 5,000 subscribers which is out of this world. I've decided to call my subscribers Pandas, I have this obsession with Pandas so I thought it would be good.

I start packing the rest of my clothes for Warped when Johnnie walks in.

"Hey you ready were about to leave to pick up Alex" Johnnie sits beside me on the floor

"Yeah just trying to pack the rest of my clothes theres not much left to pack though. I meant to ask are you sure it's ok for me to come on Warped because I'm not actually meant to be there"

"Yeah Bryan had all ready asked they're cool with it, come on let's go" he says standing up holding his hand out

"Yeah" I say grinning

While we waited for Alex to come we were just snapchatting things to our fans, I might not have many but at least I have some which I'm so grateful for. We see people start to walk out but one person stands out the most with her long bright red hair. It's Alex! We get out the car to greet her, she runs up to us and hugs Johnnie first then Bryan then me.

"Omg I can't believe I'm here right now with yous I'm so excited for Warped it's going to be so much fun" she said hugging us into a group hug

On the car ride back me and Alex sat in the back the whole way talking she's such a lovely person.

"I'm just so glad your feeling better, you probably don't know but I came to visit you when you were in the hospital with Bryan and Johnnie" Alex said

"Yeah I feel great and yeah I saw on the log book and it means a lot you came" I said smiling

"So are you excited for Warped?!"

"Yes! It's all I've been thinking about!" I say sounding like a little girl

"Same! Your not the only one!" We both laugh

When we got home we'd thought we'd all do a video together, we ended up doing the what's in my mouth challenge.

"Okay so today we have the beautiful Alex Dorame and the fabulous Lily and the wonderful Johnnie Guilbert. We are all going to be doing the what's in my mouth challenge. Basically I'm going to put something in Alex's mouth and she'll have to try and guess blind folded the same with Johnnie and Lily. Okay so who's going first" Bryan said

"Guest's first" Johnnie indicated to Alex

"I guess so" Alex laughed

Bryan picks up the blind fold and puts it on Alex.

"Okay I'm kind of scared right now" she says waving her hands about

"You'll be fine trust me"

"Trust you Bryan, haha you're funny" she said sarcastically then laughing

Bryan walks into the bathroom and then walks back out with men's roll on deodorant. Oh god I feel so sorry for Alex.

"Okay here we go whatever you do just don't bite it" he says smirking

"Okay now I'm terrified" she said squealing

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