Chapter 4 - New Friends

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The swimming pool was really busy, there was at least 80 kids jumping about in the water and their parents just sitting on the sun loungers. I couldn't see Caleb anywhere near the pool but I remember him saying something about a hut. I walk around the massive swimming pool and see a gate which lead to an unusual hut. It was an okay size not too big and not too small and was a weird yellow colour.

I walk over to the hut and knock on the front door, the door flys open and a girl with bright mid-length blue hair answers.

"Oh Hey! You must be Lily right?" She said so enthusiastically

"Em yeah"

"Don't be shy Caleb told me about you, my names Leda, nice to meet you" she smiled

"Nice to meet you too, um is Caleb here or ..."

"Yes sorry come in" she laughed

Leda put out her arm for me to come in, I walked into the hut and she closed the door behind me. The hut was so nice inside it had a couch, wee singular couches, fairy lights all around the room and it even a had a bar. I'm guessing this is their wee hang out.

"Hey Lily glad you came, here sit down and I'll get you a drink, what do you like" Caleb smiled

"Yeah I had to get away from them and a Lemonade if you have it" I sat down on the singular couch

"Of course we do and today is actually supposed to be my day off so we were thinking of going to Universal Studios if you want to join us" he handed me the Lemonade

"Em I don't know if I'll be aloud who would be going anyway?"

"Come, it will be fun and just Me, Leda and some other friends I've invited and we'll meet them there"

"Please come Lily it will be awesome and you seem cool" Leda pouted

"Okay fine I'll go but let me go get changed first"

"Yayyy meet us at the front desk at 2" they both said it sync which was creepy in a way.

I went back to my room to get changed no way was I wearing this hideous outfit it's not who I am. When I got to my room I pulled out my black skinnes and my BMTH top which I hid in my suitcase. I also put on my band wristbands which I love to pieces but my mum and dad don't approve of that either. I got ready and looked out the veranda to see my mum, dad, Lexi and Max outside sun bathing. Why didn't I notice them when I was down there? In fact why didn't they notice me? Oh yeah because they don't give a shit!

I left a note on my bed saying:
Away out I will be back soon,

I took the spare key to the room so I could get back in later and headed down to the front desk. When I got there I saw Caleb and Leda holding hands and laughing, are they dating?

"Hey your here right on time, well then let's go" Leda smiled

We all walked outside and got into this big silver car which I think is Caleb's.

"Nice car, is it yours" I asked Caleb

"Thanks and yeah I got it not that long ago actually, I've been saving up for ages. Wait guys sorry I have to stop for gas I'll only be 10 minutes"

We pull into a gas station 5 minutes away from the hotel, then Caleb goes to fill the car up with gas.

"So Lily do you have a boyfriend back home?" Leda asked probably just trying to make conversation

"Em no actually I've never even been on a date, do you?" I said embarrassed

"Lily it's nothing to be embarrassed about it just means you haven't found the one yet and yeah I'm dating Caleb" she said blushing

"Yeah I thought that, yous are very cute together"

Caleb finally came back and we headed to Universal studios.

When we got there it was kind of busy, we waited at the front entrance for Caleb's other friends. When Caleb's phone started to play Bulls in the Bronx by Pierce the Veil who I also love!

"Hey where are you guys? we've been waiting here for like 15 minutes. Then why don't you just come and he can meet up with us later. Okay you'll be 5 minutes okay that's fine bye" Caleb said to the other person on the phone

"Okay Bryan is supposed to be doing an interview with Black Veil Brides and he completely forgot so Johnnie is just going to meet up with us and Bryan will meet us later"

Omg I freeze does he mean Johnnie Guilbert and Bryan Stars!!! Should I say something? But he will think I'm a total fan girl. Okay I'm not going to say anything I'm just going to pretend I don't know them, but OMFG I'm actually going to meet Johnnie Guilbert and Bryan Stars. I thought I knew Leda from somewhere she is Leda Muir I'm so stupid I never even realised. Okay Lily play cool.

"Sounds awesome" I replied

20 minutes go by and we are still waiting for Johnnie but then I see someone with long black hair and a red checkered jacket and black skinnies. That has to be him!

"Hey guys sorry I'm late, I picked up food and shit for us all" he smiled and then looked at me

"Em who is this" he asked

"Oh this is Lily who I was telling you about she's cool" Caleb answered

"Well it's nice to meet you Lily" he smiled

"Nice to meet you too, I'm guessing you're Johnnie?" I fake questioned

"Em yeah... and you don't know me?" He looked confused

"No sorry should I?" I said lying through my bare teeth

"No, em well shall we go in?" He just stared at me not in a creepy way but as if he knew I was lying.

Should I have told him the truth?

How I fell in love with Johnnie Guilbert (a Johnnie Guilbert FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz