¨Can you two stop shoving your tongues down each others throats and join us for breakfast. Unless you two already ate¨ Louis laughed walking out of the room, causing me to cover my face and blush. Niall took my hands away from my face before kissing me once more and standing up, helping me off the floor after and picking up the blankets, making sure I wasn't stepping on it this time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I was currently in my room freaking out with Ariana on what to wear. Niall asked me out on a date before and he said it was a surprise. So I had no idea what to wear, where we're going or what we're doing. He just said dress casual.


¨Do you have any idea about where you're going? Did you ever mention anything about your favorite places to go when you were with him? Anything?¨ Ariana looked through my suitcase more frazzled than I am. I feel like she's the one going on a date today instead of me. 

¨No Ari, I have no clue where we're going. He wouldn't even give me a tiny clue no matter how much I asked him, kissed him or gave him the puppy eyes. He just said to dress casual, so it's not going to be anywhere fancy or expensive¨

¨He wouldn't tell you even after you gave him puppy dog eyes? Damn. He really wants this to be a surprise¨

¨He does, but I don't like surprises. And he knows that¨ After about 20 minutes and a lot of freaking out and conversation, I decided on a dark red sundress and some black sandals. Nothing too much, nothing that shows that I don't care. And I pretty much went makeup less except for a little concealer and mascara. I feel like I don't need to wear makeup when I'm with Niall, he makes me feel confident in myself.

¨So are you nervous about leaving the hotel? With the pictures being released and all?¨ Ariana snapped me out of my own mind. It's been three days since the pictures were out and I had that little break down because of all the hate. I haven't left the suite since it all happened and I'm really nervous about doing so today.

¨Yeah, I really am. But I have to leave the hotel at some point, might as well make that day today. Niall being the one to take me out today is making this whole thing less nerve wracking anyways. He wouldn't take me somewhere or put me in a position that I would be hurt, mentally or physically.¨ She nodded her head along, staying quiet for a couple minutes before speaking up again.

¨What about the lobby? You have to go through there and the paparazzi are down there, there's something that can't be avoided¨

I looked at her, she was right. I can't avoid that. And that's probably all they're going to talk about when we're passing by. ¨Well um... It'll only be for a minute or two right? It doesn't take much time to get through there so I think I'll be fine. I'll just keep my head down and focus on Niall and getting out of there. I bet everything will go along just....fine¨ I spoke, my voice going down to almost a whisper when I was finishing the sentence.

¨You ready Demi?¨ Niall poked his head into the room and walked in when he saw I was all dressed and ready to go. ¨Wow. You look beautiful¨

¨You don't look too bad yourself¨ I spoke, winking at him and giving him a quick kiss. ¨This isn't too much, right? Because I can change if it is. You didn't tell me anything except dress casual and-¨ I was stopped with the feelings of his lips on mine again. 

¨You look absolutely beautiful and what you're wearing is perfect for where we're going¨ I nodded some and blushed, ¨you ready to go?¨

¨Let's do this¨

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My hands were getting a little sweaty and my heart started racing some as Niall hit the button on the elevator and we started going down to the lobby, ¨Niall, you know they're all going to be shouting about the pictures. I don't know if I can do this¨

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