The other hell hound that I just named Jim, growled in warning. Mrs O'Learly held her ground.

(A/N: This is my first time writing  a fight scene so if it's crap I'm sorry)

The tension soon between the two was tight. They both glared at each other. Their muscles tense waiting to spring into action.

Mrs O'Learly was the first one to strike. She pounced and clawed at Jim's face.

Golden blood dripped from his snout.

They both circled each other again. They both jumped at the same time. Jim and Mrs O'Learly collided. They were jumping on each trying to again the advantage.

While they where busy I tried to push a piece of the wall off me. When Jim jumped though the window, he also took out the wall because he was too big to fit though the window.

The piece of the wall was to heavy to lift. How would Annabeth get out of this? She would sweet talk her way until she thought of a plan. But you kind of can't sweet talk a hellhound.

Mrs O'Learly was covered in scratches and bite marks. But she still got Jim pretty good. They growled and glared at each other, trying to find a moment of weakness.

Jim all the sudden pounced onto Mrs O'Learly. He grabbed her around the throat.

"NO!" I screamed.

She struggled to get out of the death grip. She continued to fight, clawing at Jim. At the same time she tried to escape. But soon her attempts become slower and weaker.

Mrs O'Learly was going to die. She is going to died because she protected me. It's all my fault. I promised Daedalus I would look after her.

I silently cried for my friend. I closed my eyes not wanting to see her die.


I heard a whimper. Mrs O'Learly had died. I opened my eyes.

Never in my life have I ever been more happier to see Blackjack.

Jim had two hoof prints where his rib cage is. Blackjack stand protectively over Mrs O'Learly as she recovered from her near death experience. (Well she can't die but going to Tartarus is just as bad)

Jim growled at his new opponent. Blackjack snorted and pawed at the ground. He reared and flapped his wings at the hellhound. Thrashing his deadly hooves around. As he watched the hellhound he decided to speak to me.

Whats up Boss? How the wall doing for ya?

'Just great Blackjack, its defiantly not slowly crushing my bones as we speak'

Well that's good!

I muttered a few cursing words underneath my breath. But not quiet enough.

Woah Boss! Geez we don't want you turning into Arion! Do we need to wash your mouth out with soap?

'Blackjack focus. Do I need to remind you that there's is a FREAKING MASSIVE HELLHOUND TRYING TO KILL US!'

He didn't reply, but I guess he got the message.

Mrs O'Learly finally picked herself up and took a stand next to Blackjack. Both of them moved themselves in front of me.

We got your back boss!

Both of them lunged at the hellhound.

Blackjack made the hellhound focus on him while Mrs O'Learly stalked around Jim waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Blackjack thrashed his hooves at the hellhound, get a few strikes at the hellhound. He also flapped his wings so Jim couldn't see Mrs O'Learly stalking around. Jim has his entire focus on Blackjack, he long forgotten about Mrs O'Learly.

That's when Mrs O'Learly pounced. She grabbed him around the neck. Jim was in the exact some sport as was Mrs O'Learly was not to long ago.

He struggled and fought but Mrs O'Learly didn't let go. Finally his body spotted moving. Finally the monster had died.

Blackjack and Mrs O'Learly walked back to me.

That's when I noticed something. I grabbed Riptide from my pocket and uncapped it and threw it.

It hit its mark.

Behind Blackjack and Mrs O'Learly was a big pile of golden dust. Jim was trying to kill both of my pets from behind. Smart (but stupid) hellhound.

Looked around and surveyed the area. It was destroyed. The whole side of the house was taken out. Lots of furniture was destroyed and all the Wizards looked confused and terrified.

Oh Schist...

Don't worry Perseus I will help you...

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