Chapter 27

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Part 2


" On my life I don't believe anything that has been said about that man right there in that seat today is true , and I hope shawty right there get her due one day for putting my brother through all she has these couple of months"- Klay

Mike nodded randomly standing in front of Klay after Sinclair finished his questioning .

" I'm just going to get straight to the point , on the night of the incident where were you at that time?"

" I was at a bar with a couple of friends" Klay said clearing his throat looking at Stephen's Lawyer as he spoke.

" So you had no idea of Wardell's whereabouts ?"

" No , most likely he was in his room, the club is not really his scene Stephens a chill guy, he only went once here in Spain but that's only because Myself, and other's told him to come to celebrate our win " 

" Is Stephen capable of rape?"

" Absolutely not " Klay said with confidence

" Okay , that is all thanks for your time Mr. Thompson"

The two attorneys knew that Stephen's friend Klay wouldn't provide as much information they needed , he wasn't the one they needed to get information out of , for Sinclair he wasn't a threat to the case so he had to strategize on how to approach the witnesses that may harm his case.

Next they interrogated Stephens father Wardell asking him basic questions like:

"What's your relationship to the defendant?"

"That is my eldest son"

"How was Wardell as a child?"

"He was a well behaved young man , he always wanted to help people and he took really good care of his siblings"

"How was his living situation gowning up?"

"We moved around a lot, when he was born he grew up in Germany for 3 years then when his brother was born we moved to North Carolina and stayed there until Stephen was 12 , then we moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and stayed there for a majority of his teenage years.

" Are you and Wardell's mother still married?"

"We are happily married"

" How many kids do you have"

" In total I have three kids"

" Is Stephen Capable of this crime ?"

"My son is not capable of the accusation put on him"

Wardell got up and walked back to his seat next to his wife as she rubbed his back shaking her head.

The last of the witnesses for Wardell Stephen Curry was Ayesha Alexander..

She swore in sitting in the seat avoiding eye contact with Stephen as Sinclair walked in the middle.

"Can you state your full name please?"

" My names is Ayesha Alexander"

"Do you not have a Middle name?

" If I did wouldn't I have said it ? Ayesha kept a neutral look on her face as the questions were asked .

" So I'm guessing you are a friend to Wardell just as Mr. Thompson is ?" 

" I sure am" Ayesha said looking straight at Sinclair crossing her hands together talking into the mic.

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