Chapter 2

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Jay at the top ^

Stephen P.O.V
Things changed over the last few months but Im glad I have my baby girl Riley here. Riley is 2 years old but continuously takes after her mother Ayesha , we are not together anymore but we do co-parent. Riley is very intellectual for her age .

"Dada why you staring" Riley asked throwing her sippy cup beside the pillow.

"Dada is staring because Riley got a big head" I laughed grabbing her little hands lifting her onto my stomach.

Riley pouted crossing her arms like she was mad " Mamaw said I look like you"

I turned around acting like I was sad until riley grabbed my cheeks "dada stop being sad" riley said dropping her hands tearing up.

I turned around lifting Riley up giving her kisses on her cheek making her laugh until my phone started ringing.

Once I looked at the contact name I looked at FaceTime request and pressed accept waiting for it to connect.

I laid riley across me holding my phone up as Riley started screaming as soon as her mother face appeared "mommy mommy "

" hey baby , hey Stephen" ayesha said waving into the camera , I gave her a small nod laughing at Riley making faces.

" mommy when are you going to come see me?" Riley asked rubbing her eyes sitting up

"This weekend baby just like any other day" ayesha explained to Riley even though she didn't fully comprehend what she meant .

Riley nodded laying her head back on my chest looking up trying to see her mommy.

"Stephen you made my little angel tired?" Ayesha asked laughing

" Your little angel the one who has been running around all day ." I expressed rubbing Riley's tummy talking.

" If you say so wardell" ayesha laughed a little rolling her eyes

" woah woah shawty hitting me with that government name" I gave her that look shaking my head.

"Shawty" riley mimicked flicking her wrist in the air.

"Look at da flick of the wrist ayesha, my baby golden"

Ayesha covered her mouth laughing " Wardell I know you did not teach my child that oh my god"

"I did she executed it perfectly too" I laughed looking at Riley keep repeating "shawty" under her breath

"But anyways what I called you was to make sure she took a bath, and to say goodnight" Ayesha smiled into the camera looking at her two favorite people .

"She already took her bath ma'am"
I faked whipped in front of the camera

"Stephen you are too much , night night riley and big head " Ayesha said through the camera blowing kisses.

"Night night mommy" Riley concluded the conversation as I clicked the end button.

"Ready for bed sweetheart?"I spoke quietly lifting myself and Riley off the couch , grabbing her sippy cup, small blanket, and my phone walking towards my room.

Once we got in the room, I laid Riley on my side of the bed putting her under the sheets making sure I charged my phone and laid beside Riley.

"Daddy loves you" I mumbled into Riley's ear as I kissed her forehead falling asleep

Justine P.O.V

After I got home from work I walked into the living room seeing my boyfriend Jay and his friends sitting on the couch watching the basketball game.

I walked behind him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby , hey twins and jug" I said looking at him then them as they all greeted me.

Jay starred at me for awhile then looked at the Tv " I already put dinner
In the oven"

" ooohh thats my baby , thats my baby " I laughed saying to him dancing around a little by the table.

Jug looked up then said " damn she do got a fatty"

Jay got up then stood in front of him looking pissed off as he grabbing his shirt " yo what you say about my girl"

I rushed over to Jay pushing him back "party over all of y'all get out"

"Nah he's going to learn his lesson today" Jay said throwing one good punch at jugs jaw as the twins held jug back escorting him out.

Jug spit out the blood in his mouth on the grass pushing the twins away going to his car mumbling "he gone get his"

"Babe what the hell was that" I asked closing the door looking at him sideways shaking my head

" He disrespected you that's what happened" Jay said balling his fist up and unballing it walking in a little circle .

"There are other ways to handle a situation then that what the hell , yes it was disrespectful but you ain't had to hit him like that you know his humor. "

"He needs to learn to watch his mouth thats what he needs to do " Jay said walking into the kitchen taking the food out.

"Thats like your family why would you ever ?"' I asked walking towards him crossing my arms

" I'm going to protect mines baby girl" He said

I couldn't listen to his b.s at the moment so I just walked to my room taking a shower .

When I got out the shower he was sitting on the bed looking at the TV.

"Baby Im sorry how I acted earlier" he apologized but I wasn't really feeling it.

"Sure you are" I said nonchalantly changing into a shirt and some shorts

"Baby Im serious I'm sorry that never should've happened" Jay got off the bed walking towards me grabbing my hand.

"Don't apologize to me apologize to jug" I moved my hand away turning the lights off laying on the bed .

" I will baby just don't ignore me " jay voice turned sharp I just looked at him and shrugged .

Jay dragged my legs down and got on top of me kissing my face. Saying "im sorry" after every kiss

"OKAY OKAY , just stop with the wet kisses" I wiped my face mean muggin him as he gave me a kiss .

"And thats enough for one night lover boy" I moved back up on the bed closing my eyes turning the other way.

Jay laughed and pulled me into him.

I got from underneath him laying at the edge of the bed starring at the tv.

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