Chapter 19

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• Is it impossible to notice the impossible if the impossible is you?•

"You got the thousand dollars sir , I'm not understanding what's the big deal"

"The big deal is that you didn't handle the job, and sent a rookie out there" the man said waving his gun around

The group of men ducked every time he pointed a gun in their direction.

" now one of you is going to pay ... Is it you.. No maybe you" He stopped on one boy who was trembling with fear sweating .

He stood back shooting the boy in his temple dropping the gun in the bleach then removing the gloves before telling the men to dispose of the body and evidence.

" and if you mess up one more , I swear it will be hell to pay"
Justine P.O.V
I was sitting at my desk looking through all my journals from past years. Specifically this one case I had about 2 years ago , this dude was really messed up in the head, after awhile it was nothing I could do so they sent him to the insane asylum now they need another copy of the paperwork

I'm not understanding why it is they need another copy if his paperwork when it was sent over with him.

They better be lucky my assistant makes copy's I thought as I pulled out the file reading off the name .

This kid had a lot of disorders at the time he was 21 so he should be about 23 now since two years passed.

My oldest patient was him , I stopped treating patients over 21 since him , maybe I'll expand my options in a couple of years.

I need to start keeping a digital file of my work, it would make things easier and quicker for me to find.

I texted my assistant from my work phone (Galaxy) since everyone has two phone nowadays.

"Keiyah I need you to start working on transferring these files onto a computer for safe keeping"

She responded seconds later " yes ma'am"

Keiyah was an interesting pick, she's not your typical assistant she has tattoos all over her body , don't get me wrong she's a beautiful girl but people have a lot of opinions about other's who choose to express themselves differently , to me it's not a big deal as long as you get the job done well which she does exceptionally at.

I aim at trying to be the best psychologist in California and make a name for myself throughout the world .. But I'm getting ahead of myself .

Tapping the pen on the journal I started to shake my head as I read the paperwork it said something about Emery trying to get out of school early because she had a session, I had to either accept or deny the claim . I denied the claim I don't know what's wrong with her but she needs to get it together.

I had a long two hour session with this couple , they were 18 talking about loyalty and how he doesn't treat her like his girlfriend but more like a homeboy .

I had to tell him that if he wants to be in a relationships sometimes you have to give up what you love , but then I realized they were going through that young love phase .

Not every relationship is the same , you can't change people for your own personal happiness if they're not willing to do it for you on their own.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice for love.

The one thing I hate the most between two people is distance.

I hadn't noticed I was deep in thought until my assistant tapped me on my shoulder putting a salad on my desk.

"you good boss .. You staring at flowers"

I laughed shaking my head " yeah I'm good just thinking"

" sure , anyways I need your old journals so I can start"

I reached under my desk grabbing the box sliding it her way smiling " you have a week"

"yes ma'am" she lifted the box up walking out of my office.

The building is set up with multiple businesses inside , the whole 7th floor is owned by me and then the other floors are other businesses, for example one of the floors is dedicated to a dentist office .

The other side of the building is suppose to be complete in late 2017 .

The rest of the day consisted of me making calls to the families checking up on my patients.

A/N- Riley Elizabeth Curry 👧🏽
Ryan Carson Curry👶🏽

The Curry's come up with some beautiful names for their baby's I swear , but congratulations to them on the new addition. ☺️💞🎊

The Perfect Guy (Stephen Curry) -ON HOLD-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें