Chapter 23

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Klay left 2 weeks ago to go back to California , Ayesha's parents came and got Riley taking her to Canada so they could spend time with her until everything blew over.

They didn't know much about the Situation but all they knew was Stephen and Ayesha would be in Spain for longer than expected. They were left in the blind just like everyone else.

Ayesha sat at the table in the conference room beside Stephen and directly across from Stephen's lawyer.

" So any updates ?" Stephen asked as his lawyer Mike opened up his briefcase.

" well I got news that evidence will be presented in court" mike said getting his paperwork out.

Ayesha pushed her glasses up on her face writing notes down on her phone listening to the conversation.

" do you know what the evidence will be?"

" actually no , but I do know as of right now the judge is trying to keep things discreet so if anyone tries to let out information to the public than they will be fined and possibly face jail time"

Stephen sighed in relief , at least this wasn't going to be out in the public any time soon and he sure as hell didn't want this to ruin Riley or any child of his future.

" Does anyone else know about this situation?"

" It's only between us , the NBA , and The female and her party"

Ayesha leaned over to Stephen whispering something in his ear then turning back to her phone as he nodded.

Stephen turned his attention back to the lawyer .

" Stephen I know without a doubt in my mind that you're not guilty but I still have to tell you what will happen if you are found guilty , you could possibly face 20+ years in jail here and once you get out you will not be able to travel overseas for at least 7 years and will not be able to come within 200 feet of that lady."

Stephen shook his head listening to his lawyer . " can you at least tell me her name?"

Ayesha pressed record sitting her phone face down on the chair looking at the lawyer.

The lawyer looked at Ayesha apologetically then looking at Stephen " I'm sorry I can't disclose of that information with her in here"

Ayesha got up pushing her chair back grabbing her kindle putting her phone on Stephen's lap discreetly as the lawyer started looking though his briefcase.

Ayesha gave a light smile patting Stephen's back "It's fine I understand , I'll be outside of you need me"

Ayesha left out the conference room closing the door behind her quietly sitting in the chair outside the door looking around at the people passing.

She looked down at her kindle and started looking up information until the lawyer came out.

He shook her hand apologizing for earlier as she gave him a smile walking back inside to Stephen as some men in suits walked in casually.

Ayesha took the phone away from Stephen stopping the recording looking up at the men shaking their hands.

" As you know I am the commissioner of The National Basketball Association and I had to make a special trip down here to talk to you"

" It a pleasure to meet you sir but not under these circumstances"

Stephen said holding his hand out shaking Mr.Silver's hand sitting back in the chair.

" I understand Wardell it really is unfortunate but unfortunately the league doesn't tolerate this behavior at all, we need you to sign somethings"

Ayesha say back quietly taking notes under the table on her phone making eye contact occasionally .

" This first contract is to protect the NBA , It's basically saying that if you're found guilty in no way will you say that the NBA was involved , if you do you will be sued for false claims"

Stephen grabbed the paper looking at it " doesn't my Lawyer need to read over this ?"

" He can , you will have 3 days to sign and look over it , we will keep in contact." Mr.Silver said grabbing another paper from one of the bodyguard's.

" Fortunately, I have some good news if you come out this case not guilty we will have a 3 yr contract ready for you, now this alone is from your skills you have displayed so far , you will also go through the draft and summer league. "
Stephen's Ora around him felt different he let out a sigh of relief at the news closing his eyes then straightening up his face grabbing the paper putting it in the folder.

"Now if this gets out we have a backup plan, I won't lie it is stereotypical but it's sounds way better than the claim that is involved in this case . " The commissioner said handing him another stack of papers .

" Anything would sound better than this situation sir, I'm just glad you came down here to talk to me about this"

" Don't thank me just yet , here's my card in case you need any assistance , so far I think you're an innocent man from reviewing your case." The commissioner stood up just as Ayesha and Stephen did shaking his hand .

" I will be at the court hearing , I hope everything goes well " the commissioner said walking out with his body guards trailing behind him.

Ayesha turned to Stephen whispering to him " Something isn't adding up .."

" what do you mean?" Stephen said grabbing the folder and his Phone

Ayesha shook her head " well talk more when we get to the hotel"

While they were in the cab Stephen got in touch with his lawyer going over what happened in the meeting.

- at the hotel -

Ayesha pulled out her laptop sitting on the bed logging in.

Stephen walked back into the room with his roman noodles in a bowl stirring it sitting on the couch. " you do your homework ?"

Ayesha dropped her phone on her foot
" aw shit I need to send it in"

Stephen looked up from his bowl " Moony you good?"

" Just fine , I just have a lot on my mind"

" don't let my problems mess up your game"

" I'm fine I just need to get my priorities straight"

She closed her laptop hiding her phone underneath her.

Why is Ayesha being so secretive ? Any guesses

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