Chapter 19 - Early Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Your ego is probably eating up all of your brain that it is now the same size of your head," I replied icily.

"His head is small," Connor commented. The boys snickered secretly and I just shook my head. 

"Any girls would die just to be in your position to hang-out with us." Xavier smirked at me.

"Good luck finding one," I bantered. Any girls. Pfft. Not this one.

"And anyone would die if they have to be stuck with you for an hour," Xavier answered back. 

I mastered up my biggest smile and replied, "I'll be the happiest person to attend your graveyard."

"Fifty minutes," Asher said as he continued on playing his phone.

"Tick tock. Any last words?" I batted my eyelashes, faking a sweet smile. I can see that Xavier's eyes are cold but I don't feel threatened at all. 

"I'll hunt you. Every. Single. Night." Xavier gritted his teeth. I sighed as I expressed how boring he is.

"You bore me to death." I closed my eyes, hoping I would get rest instead of wasting my time on some people that —

"Glad to know you're dying first," Xavier retorted. I opened my eyes, realizing I should not have said that. 

"I didn't know that you're a bad joker," I faked giggle as Xavier returned his attention on something else.

Connor, who was sitting beside me, must have been bored for the past thirteen minutes. I mean, I kind of felt bad for him since he was stuck sitting beside me because the boys first got into the truck and took the front row. You could probably add one more person there but I guess with bodies like them, you would be going behind the seat with me.

"This trip is so boring," Connor mumbled under his breath. I sighed, for the nth time of this trip. "What more for the trip to Italy." I replied back.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about it." Connor sat up, now looking at me.

"I hope I could say the same thing." I massaged my temples as I tried to think of happy thoughts. Me killing Xaiver. Me sleeping at my own comfy bed at home. Me acing a test. Me eating a lot of junk food. Me -

"Well, I don't think you're that banal to spend with for two days," he said. For a second, I was flattered. "Brilliant." I faked British accent.

"Well, if it helps you, you're very dull," he mimicked me. I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically, "Cheers."

We said nothing and silence filled between us. It was really awkward. I mean, what more if I was with him on the real trip to Italy?

"I think the weather today is rather parky," Connor said. Seriously. Just when I thought we were going to talk about weather.

"I know-h righ', it is absobloodylootely co'd," I said nonchalantly.

Wait, did I just sound British? A real one? Am I mastering it?

"I don't think this place has been this cold for donkey's years." Connor shivered, rubbing his arms gradually.

"I would fancy seeing this place with better environment." I sighed, once again, as I thought of the time when my mother used to tell me her times when she could play outside of the house and enjoy the fresh air and not care of any people jumping out and pulling guns from their pocket then pointing it at you.

"But global warming put paid to our beautiful environment," Connor said sadly. I wonder how long we can keep up with this act. "I know, this place is a shambolic." I rolled my eyes, referring on how our city is now in state of chaos.

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