chapter twenty six

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"Hey don't forget, the rehearsal dinner is Friday night at seven sharp," Noel told me as I grabbed my bags off her floor.

"I can't believe your wedding is in a week," I said. "Just think, next week we'll be in Antigua partying for your bachelorette party!"

Noel giggled as she grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. "Of course that's what you'll look forward to."

"Well of course," I replied, bumping my hip next to hers.

We chatted a bit more before I absolutely had to leave. I couldn't be late to my psychology class. I needed this A. As I was sitting in the taxi I got a call from Tobias. A grin made its way onto my face as I hit accept.

"Hey beautiful," I heard his deep, husky voice say. I instantly felt my hormones react crazily to the sound of his attractive voice, not to mention the compliment he just gave me.

"Beautiful?" I asked, trying to stay calm. "Whatever happened to sweetheart?"

"Is it a crime to remind you that you're beautiful?" He joked. I could imagine him now, just waking up with his hair in a mess, his eyes brighter than any other time in the day, and his lips pulled up in a smug smile.

"Not at all. It's just... Refreshing."

"I should remind you everyday then," he replied.

I tried my hardest to keep the blush away from my cheeks but who was I kidding. It seems like every time I was around him now I was doing something completely out of character. The taxi driver was giving me weird looks but even he couldn't stop how happy I was.

"Why'd you call me so early?" I questioned, clearing my throat. I heard stuff shifting in the background and I wondered if he was leaving his apartment.

"I wanted to ask you out on a date," he simply replied, his tone suggesting as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"A date?" I repeated, frazzled. "We never had one of those-"

"Which is exactly why we need one," he interjected. I heard horns honking in the background and I assumed he was on his way to the gym. "I'll pick you up at... Six thirty?"

I took a deep breath before answering. "Six thirty it is."


I was a mess.

My hair was still wrapped up and I had nothing, absolutely nothing, to wear. I was a nervous wreck. I've been on dates, more than I could count recently, but this, this was different. I was going on a date with Tobias and I had to clue what to expect. Why did I have to choose someone so prodigious to be with? Why couldn't I pick someone who I knew I could expect no surprises and know exactly what's going to happen?

Because they're boring, I thought. You'll get tired of them by the time they pick you up on time. Knowing Tobias he'll either be really early or really late.

Tobias must've been just as nervous as I was because when I opened my door, a whole half an hour later, I was facing a shy Tobias holding flowers over his face.

"I was on your way to your house when I realized I didn't have any flowers and that's usually the things you're supposed to get for your date," he mumbled, saying the first thing that entered his mind. "So I had to turn around and find some place that sold flowers and I don't know shit about flowers and uh... Well here you are."

He extended his hand and shoved the flowers out in front of him. A goofy smile was on my face as I heard him ramble. He was so cute when he was nervous. His cheeks were tainted a light pink, barely noticeable, but I noticed. His free hand was clamped into a fist which he balled and unballed repeatedly.

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