Ninth Stanza

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Much I marveled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly
I set her in a small tank so she can get used to this new lifestyle. Immediately, her eyes spring open and she lets out a shrill scream. 'YOU BASTARD!' I am filled with joy to hear her speak, and I am glad to hear she has kept her fierce nature. Growl

Though its answer little meaning - little relevancy bore
I cared little for what she said, just the fact that she was speaking and still herself thrilled me beyond words. Lenore had grown old, she had lost her appeal. She was a disgusting creature now. I drop in a few pills to my newest prize's tank, a little mixture I created. She will be hungry and the box is still new and squeaky. These pills will help with both these problems. Boom, boom

For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door
'You should feel honored, my darling. I do not choose just anyone for these experiments. You are my second in 30 years, and I have been watching you at my lake for 10 of those years. I believe you were 12 when I first saw you.' She gives me a look of disgust, and I press the button on her remote hidden behind my back. She is given a light shock, enough to shut her down. She sinks to the bottom of her tank, eyes shut. I will power her up once I have dealt with Lenore. Clunk

Bird or beast above the sculptured bust above his chamber door
Now to deal with my feather-light creature, Lenore. I need her no longer, perhaps I shall shut her down for good. I will put her box in a glass case, as a memory of my first victory. As for her body, I will just take a picture then burn it. Shuffle

With such name as 'Nevermore.'
'Lenore, it is lights out. And you shall wake nevermore.' Fear flits across her face, but she's quickly shut down and out of her tank. I take the picture, then take her apart. 'Goodbye, you will always be my first love.' I kiss her slimy forehead, then place her in the furnace, the flames dancing. Sizzle

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