Sixth Stanza

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Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning
I was so close to shore when I felt a hand grasp my ankle, tugging me down into the deep. The hand feels wrinkled and slimy, as though it has been submerged in the lake for decades. Thud, thud

Soon again I heard a tapping, somewhat louder than before
A finger is tapping against my ankle roughly. I peer down below me and see a monstrous creature grinning at me with a rotting smile. Chuckle

'Surely,' said I, 'surely that is something at my window lattice'
I'm certain my mind is playing tricks again, there are no undead fish ladies in this lake. But, I will humor her and continue to pretend to believe she is real. Swish, swish

'Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore'
She pulls me further, to the bottom of the lake. Mysteriously I have yet to require oxygen, and I have been down here some time. There is a hole in the mud, a deep one. She pulls me into it. Woosh

'Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore'
I feel oddly calm as we rocket down to the hole's depths. I feel my mind wander to treasure, though it is unlikely of that to be what she is going to reveal to me. WOOSH

'Tis the wind, and nothing more!'
She picks up speed and all I hear the the water rushing past my ears. She suddenly changes direction, heading straight forward and then shooting upward. I see light, and Hansel as well. This night has destroyed my sanity. Splash

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