First Stanza

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Once upon a midnight dreary
It is so dark, and I have been running for hours. It is only a matter of time until- CRACK

While I pondered weak and weary
Until I run into a tree, like I just did. I am so tired, I do not know how much longer I can run for. My legs feel like jelly. SPLAT

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore
Books. I have tripped over books. In the middle of a forest? Has someone been here recently? Are they still here? Hush, hush

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping
I cannot move. The mud is so deep and slick. I am sure I will be fine here if I just rest my eyes a moment. TAP TAP

As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door
Two knocks and all hell broke loose back home. Father caught me near the woods again, and gave me a stern talking to when I got back to my room. I had grown so bored of the lake legend. I heard it from him too many times. Shluck, shluck

'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, 'tapping at my chamber door'
What are those noises? Is father following me? He hit me, he had never raised a hand to me before. I ran, and I don't plan on going back. Oomph

Only this, and nothing more
I cannot let him find me. I am up and running faster than you can say 'books,' which I have brought with me. There should be enough light to read them at the lake beyond the trees. Stomp, stomp.

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