Fourth Stanza

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Presently my soul grew stronger
I gave my head a quick shake, I thought I saw bubbles popping on the smooth surface of the water. But it must be my tears slinking into the lake. There's no reason for me to be afraid, and therefore I am not. Swish

Hesitating then no longer
I run my fingers through the chilled water, distorting my reflection so I do not have to see the woman's face anymore. My mind is playing cruel tricks on me. SNAP

'Sir,' said I, 'or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore'
'Who is there?' I spin around quickly at the sound of a twig breaking. 'Ah, hello. I am Hansel. I beg your pardon for startling you. Is journal?' Panic flashes in his eyes. AGH

'But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, and so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door.'
'It is impolite to read another's journal! And now you have to pay!' He yells and races towards me, and I shuffle backwards, slipping out of my sleepy stupor. I slip in the mud and fall into the lakes icy depths. Hahaha

'That I scarce was sure I heard you'
He laughs so cruelly, chanting, 'She is going to get you, wench.' I've never seen such malice in a mans eyes, and suddenly my arms are yanked out from under me and I'm pulled down below the eerily still surface again. BLUB, BLUB

Here I opened wide the door
I thrash around, fighting to be freed to see what has got me. I am quickly running out of breath, and let out a drowned scream, simultaneously inviting muddy water into my lungs. AAAAAAH

Darkness there, and nothing more
I am finally able to slide out of my captor's grip, and I stare long and hard, memorizing the nightmarish face. Or at least, that's what I expected to do. I was only trapped by seaweed. I quickly swim to the surface for air. Gasp

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