25 Girly Tips/Life Hacks!

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1. Paint your keys with nail polish so you know which one is which

2. Use shower curtain hooks to organize your purses in your closet

3. Store your makeup on a magnet board

4. Remove deodorant stains with dryer sheets

5. Put your bobby pins on a magnet strip on your wall in your room so you don't lose them.

6. Put your shoes in a shower cap when packing them in a suitcase

7. Run your mascara wand under hot water for ten seconds to get rid of any clumpy old mascara that's on the wand

8. Make a triangle with concealer under your eyes instead of putting dots under your eyes. It will conceal your dark eyes

9. To make sure your perfume lasts all day, apply some vasaline to your designated areas and then spray your desired perfume

10. Don't shake your nail polish, roll it between your palms

11. Re-use old candle jars for storing essentials like make-up, cotton balls, make-up wedges, etc.

12. If you get mascara on your skin, dip a q-tip in some make-up remover then remove the mascara and clean up any mistakes you've made

13. Spray your bobby pins with hair spray to make sure they stay in your hair

14. Use conditioner to shave if you ever run out of shaving cream

15. Wait until your foundation or BB Cream dries to apply powder

16. If your mascara starts to dry out, put a few drops of eye contact solution in it so it lasts longer

17. Exfoliate your lips with a wet toothbrush by rubbing it in a cicular motion on your lips

18. For curlier eyelashes, heat your eyelash curler with a hairdryer for 10 seconds before curling your eyelashes

19. When brushing your hair, start from the bottom and work your way up to prevent split ends

20. To help with hot summer skin, refrigerate your lotion for 15-20 minutes befora applying. Also a good way to cool off 

21. When painting your nails, start at the pinky and work your way to the thumb so you don't accidently mess up your nails

22. Put some mascara on an eyeliner brush to use mascara as an eyeliner.

23. Keep your money safe by putting it in a chapstick container.

24. Dip your nails in very cold water after you paint them to make them dry faster

25. Use an empty Eos container to store earrings so you don't lose them

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