Life Hacks Part 4

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1. If you mess up a voicemail to someone, press '#' to erase and re-record it.

2. Keep your pillows fluffy by putting a tennis ball in the dryer with them.

3. Use nail polish to identify different keys

4. Use an accented letter in your password. No one would be able to guess it.

5. Remove furniture dents in carpet with ice cubes.

6. If you apply lemon juice to freckles, they will start to disapear.

7. You can use a Pringle container to store pasta/spaghetti.

8. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car. Kick the tail lights out and stick your arm out and wave like crazy. The driver won't see you but everybody drivng behind him will. This has saved many of lives

9. Owning a cat can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 40 percent and a stroke by 30 percent.

10. If you need coupons for your shopping, go to and it might give you a coupon for each item.

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