Girly Tips

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1. Make up can't make you any more beautiful than you are. Natural beauty is the best beauty around.

2. If you go out into public, make sure that what you're wearing covers at least 30% more than what you bra and underwear do.

3. Life doesn't revolve around technology, or being able to text people. Face to face conversations mean more to someone than a texted conversation.

4. Having your period is completely normal. But if you don't want everyone to know, avoid white pants and try to wear dresses and skirts.

5. Each and everyone of you are perfect the way you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. None of you need to change because God made you the way you are for a reason. So be proud of the way you look and rock that body of yours.

6.Sleeping for too long or not getting enough sleep causes shadows under your eyes. Sleeping for 8-10 hours has been proven to minimise the chance of waking up with shadows under your eyes.

7. If you're going to wear makeup do. But don't put on too much. You'll end up looking like the joker.

8. Don't play a guy, if you like, go out with him. If you don't like him don't keep him around and make sure he knows how you feel.

9. No guy is going to be like your fantasy prince. Disney or not. He isn't going to come riding in on a white horse or sweep you up off your feet as soon as you meet him. Relationships don't work that way. You have to get to know the guy first, then you don't fall in love because things that fall break. Instead you step into love at your own pace.

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