Chapter 5: Long Nights

Start from the beginning

"Flattery with get you in the hospital, Jason. You know, like last time?" I said, slightly glaring at him. He flinched. "Yeah, right. Well, I was hoping we could team up and try to find him together. Confronting him by myself could be really bad, but when you tell him who you are then maybe--"

"No Jason. I've sworn off manhandling." I said bluntly. He scoffed. "You're like a disney quoting, female version of Bruce. You know that right?" I puffed out my lip and narrowed my eyes. "I'm nothing like him. For one, I have a heart and free time for Tim and Damian. For two, I use my ness," I gestured to my curves. "to get the information I need. No blood, unless they ask for it. But that costs extra." I said with a wink. Jason blushed making me laugh. "You're an idiot Jason." I say, ruffling his hair.

"You call everyone an idiot." He mumbles. "Aw, do you not feel special enough? Should I upgrad you being called 'dumbass'?" I asked in fake sincerity. Jason huffed. "No, Idiot fits me just well, thank you." I laughed. "Good." Travis taps me on the shoulder. "Um, I hate to bother you, but..." He points to the TV above the bar. "Someone just broke into the Conservatory again. It might be the same person." Tarvis said. I sighed. "Aunt Pam." I groaned as I stood. "I'll come with you." Jason said. "No, someone needs to keep an eye on the inside of the bar while I'm gone. I'm trusting you Jason. So no leaving with a girl until after the bar's closed. Got me?" I said sternly. He gave a look of a defeated puppy, but nodded.

I slip into the back and let my suit crawl and shift over my skin. I pull on my extras and climb out the back. "Ivy so owes me for having to save her again like this. I only have the antidote in epipen form and I only have one so she'd better comply." I mutter as I fly across the sky. The little circle I'd left last time I was here was still there, however that glass that Mr. Blue had made was fixed. I scoffed. I guess they were so worried about his mess that they didn't notice mine.

Sliding down on my whip, I land on a tree branch, then onto the floor. "Ivy? If you're here tell me what you're doing." I say as I start to roam around. I took a big sniff but there was no fariman, just they faint scent of cologne. I smirk, it was a trap. I sigh and continue to walk about like I didn't know what was going on. "Ivy I know we've had our differences but this is really stupid, playing hide and seek and all. It's almost like you're," I pull out my throwing knifes. "not yourself!" I yell before throwing them. I hear a cry of pain and follow it till I find Mr. Blue. I crawl on top of him and rest my hands on his chest. "On the floor and with my knife in your shoulder, and you're cut in so many places, tisk tisk Mr. Blue." I lean down so our faces are nearly touching. "Did you miss me that much?" I ask but he only growls at me.

"My name isn't Mr. Blue." He spat. "It's Nightwing." I shrug. "Well, I'm Miss Kitty, and it just so happens that a friend of mine was just talking about you. Said you might me someone I used to know. Now I want to know," I pull out another knife. "Is he correct?"

"I've got no real answer for you if I don't know your friend's name." He gave a smug grin and I frowned. "I thought this interrogation was going to be more fun." I said with a sigh. "Pitty." I stood and started to walk away. "Wait! What did you want to ask me?" He called. I smirked and walked back to the now standing man. "Why don't you ask him. He goes by the name Red Hood." I said before slamming our lips together. I let go as I felt him start to go limp. "Wh-what was that?" He asked. "I'd like to say I'd just that good of a kisser, but," I pulled off my wax lip covering. "Tranquilizing wax lip coverings. Courtesy of my employers." I laughed. "Goodnight little Nightwing." I said before making my exit.

Richard's pov

"Damnit!" I cried as I stiched myself together. "Computer. Pull up anything on a vigilante called 'Miss Kitty'." I call. "Yes sir." I wait a moment. "Here's what I've found on the vigilante called 'Miss Kitty'." The computer said. I slid over to see just who this girl was. "There's not really anything on her except..." I trailed off as I read a headline on a news article. "Oh no, this is not good." I groaned. 'LAST RESORT: POLICE CALL IN LOCAL VIGILANTE TO INTERROGATE TWO-FACE!' My head hit my table with a thud. Why had no one told me yet?

"Wow, you don't look so good." I jumped at Jason's voice. "Little Kitty did a number on ya didn't she?" I narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing here Jason, shouldn't you be off trying to kill someone or something?" Jason had a smirk as he acted as if I'd just shot him. "Harsh words. Miss Kitty just said that you'd probably try to find me so I just saved us both the trouble and found you instead." He sat in a near by chair and spun around in it like a child. "So what did she say about me?" He asked, almost like a kid talking to Santa.

"Just that you were a friend of her's and that you wanted to know who I was, but you obviously already know who I am, so why tell her to ask?" Jason laughed. "Pushing the topic onto me know are we? Well then, it's because I want her to know that you're you." I crossed my arms. "I don't follow you." Jason rolled his eyes. "Look, that picture you've got hidden in your nightstand at your place, it's of you and that girl, Ruby right?" I tried to fight down my blush. "Yeah, what of it?" I asked. "Well, Miss Kitty's got the same one in her desk in her place." He leaned towards me. "Are you connecting any dots yet?" I groaned. "How do I know you're not lying to me?" Jason rummaged around in his pocket till he took out a small picture frame from his parachute pants. "Here." He said, scooting the chair closer and handing me the frame.

It was in fact the picture. "How do I know this isn't just mine but in a different frame?" Jason groaned and flopped back in his chair. "God! Just run it for prints if you're so suspicious!" He yelled. I narrowed my eyes and placed it under my scanner. "Match! Katharine R. Wayne." The computer said as it brought up her profile. My eyes were wide. "Kitty." I said in astonishment. "Yep, it's Miss Kitty alright, I tol--"

"No, that's Kitty, the one that works at the bar near the station and at Wayne Enterprises." I put a hand on my forehead. "So they're the same person, AND my ex-girlfriend. Lovely."

"Wait, so you're not, like, excited, or--" Jason rolled his hands as for me to elaborate. I sighed and stood. "I feel like I need some sleep and then MAYBE I'll confront her tomorrow. Now go home Jason." I turned off the computer and started to pack up my things. "Fine, but I still get bragging rights for having to TELL you it was her instead of you finding out on her own, oh great detective." I scoffed. "I've only known her for a little over a week Jason, I would have found out if you'd given me more time."

"Yeah, you're head might have realized, but I don't think your heart would have. Good night Dicky." Jason said before exiting out the door. I sighed. "You're probably right, Jas." I mutter to myself as I grabbed the frame from the scanner. "I still don't want to believe it."

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