A Good Day Gone Bad

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Ella's P.O.V

I turn the page of my book.

"What are you reading?" A voice asks. I look up to see Todd King standing above me. I hold up the book so he could read the cover.

"Sounds good". I shrug.

"It's O.K." I mutter.

He laughs a big, loud laugh that gives me a fright.

"So what colour are you going to dye your hair next?" He asks. I look at him confused then I realise what he means. Every couple of months, I dye my hair different colours. At the moment it was pink.

I grab the end of my french plait and twirl it around my finger.

"Dunno" I say."Maybe blue." His eyes go wide.

"That's-" he's cut of by Lucy.

"Ella!" She screeches running into the class, she falls over with loud bang. She stands up quickly.

"I'm all right!" Todd bursts out laughing.

"Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" She asks. Todd shakes his head still roaring with laughter.

"You do that every morning". He manages to say between laughs.

"I'll talk to you later Ella". I watch as he walks off, with a sigh I turn to Lucy. Her expression quickly changes to a puppy dog face.

"I'm sorry". She whimpers her eyes sparking. "Stupid" I say hitting her on the head with my book.

Mrs Jane, our homeroom and science teacher walks in and looks at us.

"Lucy fall over again?" I nod. She face palms.

"I don't understand how I miss that every time". The whole class laughs she smiles and glides over to her desk.

"Anyways" Lucy says with a flick if her brunette hair.

"What did he talk to you about!" She shrieks sounding like a little girl. I guess I should explain.

Me and Lucy have been best friends since the first day of intermediate, but I have known Todd since elementary. The day I meet him was the day I fell in love with him.

"Nothing much". I reply with a shrug.

"Nothing much?" She shouts. She grabs my shoulders and shakes them.

"Nothing much, seriously Ella give me a better answer!" Everyone turns to her.

Lucy is pretty strange but still she's my best friend and I love her. Since my mum's dead, Lucy feels like she's my mother. Every time she runs into home room, she shouts my name then, falls over. Then she randomly starts shouting at me for no reason, like now.

I remember once, back when my hair was green. We were having a sleepover. In the middle of the night she stood up and screamed "not my buns!"

"Calm down Lucy, I'm being serious we didn't talk about much". I hiss.

"Sorry". She says and sits down on her seat on the left to me. "I'm sorry mummy". She repeats I smile.

Without her my life would more boring.

The bell rings. A couple of stragglers rush in. Mrs Jane starts homeroom, but I wasn't listening to her or Lucy who was jabbering in my ear.

I was thinking about my book not anything else. Through the whole morning | thought about it. When it came to lunch. I read it and like usual, what I thought would happen, happened.

I read it on the bus and while I was walking home. Then I stopped and looked up. Something was wrong. I turn around to see a man with a black hoodie standing directly behind me. His face was shrouded in darkness.

"Can I help you?" I ask. He looks up from the ground.

"Are you Ella Phillips?" He asks. I nod.

Suddenly he jumps out at me and pins me to the ground. My head hits the concrete hard. My vision goes blurry. He slides off his hoodie. The man had gleaming red eyes and long brown hair which fell into his eyes.

He pulls a tazer from his hoodie. My eyes go wide. I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Please don't this". I manage to choke out. He grins, A scary grin showing two long white fangs. I try to scream, but I can't I was frozen in fear.

"Night, Night Ella". He says as the tazer touches the side of my neck. I scream as the electricity flows through my veins. Then it all goes black.


Authors Note:

Hey Guys,                                                                                                                                

Helena and I have decided to write chapters separately. So I'm doing Ella's point of view and Helena's going to do Lucy's. So hopefully it all works out! Thanks for reading!!!!


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