✩Chapter 2✩

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"Shh." Lance put a finger on my mouth, kneeling down. I slapped his arm, trying to punch him as quiet as possible.

Lance, being the idiot Lance, dragged me to sneak out with him at the school. He didn't even give me a moment to reply, he dragged me off quickly.

We can hear the teacher's footsteps from the classroom getting closer and closer. Each classroom has wide, transparent windows. We were crawling so we couldn't get caught. The teacher forcibly opened the door open, "Who's there?!" I almost let out a squeak as Lance pulled me to the corner and covered my mouth. I can hear his heart beats beating against my back. Comparing to his calm pulse, mine was having a seizure. His hot, minted against my neck making every hair on me stand up.

"No one.. I swear I heard someone." The teacher went back the class mumbling.

I sighed in relief as his arm on my waist loosed. Though since I don't have a flat stomach, too lazy to workout, I'm scared he felt some fat. Oh my god. I better not speak abou-

"You got some tummy there." Lance smirked.

"S-S-SHUT UP!" I pulled away blushing embarrassingly, trying to slap him but he caught my wrist swiftly. "Ugh. Let's just go." I moved my head to another direction so I don't face him with my red cheeks. "Now now, my queen. Don't get so violent. I'm glad you have gotten excited for our tiny sneak out." He whispered in my ear, making me gulp, he then dared to...to.....



"Lance!" My shriek pulled him away his own world. He gasped, quickly pulling away quickly, "I'm sorry, Petal. I won't do that again.." He clenched his knuckles tightly. "Come on, let's go." Even though he grabbed my hand with his hand full of warmth and gentle, he was being distant.



"What was wrong with Lance, today. He ignored me twice. Twice, Petal, twice!" Chanel slid to the chair beside me in classroom. "I have no idea." I smoothly lied, opening my textbook.

He is punishing himself for not being able to control himself, I won't tell anyone though. There is a chance of 61% my theory might be wrong though.

"-ve thought about it..? Petal? You there?" Chanel poked my nose noisily. "Peeetaaaalll."

"Oops. What did you say?" I grabbed a highlighter from my pencilcase and began highlighting the important parts of the chapter I'm studying. "Our date. Have you given it enough time to think about it?" Chanel rested his chin on his palm.

I really want to refuse but I don't want to see sadness and disappoitment.

Chanel, Y U Do This.

"Yeah. Sure, you have my number. Text me where and when and I'll be there-." I was about to continue but Chanel stopped me, "I'll pick you up. Text me your address."


I was kind of disappointed though...Seiji wasn't there to stop him.


I was having tough time.

A really tough time.

There was this tiny math equation that I have no idea how to solve.

"S-Seiji..There is a girl staring at you at the door creepily." A classmate of Seiji caught me glaring at Seiji, creeping at him with flying angry hair. Seiji sighed and rubbed his temples, "Leave her alone." Knowing that would be me, he quietly ignored me.

"Seiji...! She's glaring furiously now. Aaah! She's staring at me!"

I wasn't actually mad at Seiji, I'm mad at the equation.

Seiji rolled his eyes, "What do you want, Petal?" He didn't even look at me. "I need help.." I walked awkwardly to his seat, avoiding weird eyecontacts with anyone. I gave him my math worksheet, smiling nervously. "Please?"

Seiji pushed his glasses backwards and stood up from his seat irritatingly, "I don't know how how you are one of the top five in the school."

I don't know too..

"Seij-." Seiji ushered to his chair, "Sit."


He glanced back to the worksheet then to me. "Petal.." His voice huskily clenched my heart.


"Even a first grader can do this." He smacked my head with his text book, kneeling down.


So after getting yelled by Seiji numerous times, I finally understood it. "Oooohh, why didn't you say that before?"

Seiji groaned, "Just get out and let me study." "Thank you, Seiji." I pretend to bow a grateful deep bow like the Japanese do.

"Bye bye!" I left before he can say something. The last period has begun when the annoying, rattling bell chattered on the metal against metal.

When I entered my classroom, I caught Chanel persuading my classmate to switch seats with him to sit next to me. "What are you doing, Chanel...?" I gave him a weird look, hoping for a good explanation.

His bright blue eyes quickly met mine. He smiled cheekily, "Nothing."

My classmate let out a groan, kicking Chanel roughly on his knee, "You own me."

"Gah! Alright, alright." He held his knee in pain, "Oh god, this is embarrassing." He muttered when he caught me trying to hide in my laughter.

"Class, settle down!" Our teacher walked inside.

Our teacher, Miss Lilac, always wore colorful clothes.. She is in her thirties but she still looks youthful and beautiful. This time, she's wearing a green jacket with a long, pinky and plain dress. To be honest, she looks great. Anything hideous looks awesome on her, I pouted grumpily mentally.

After the robotic, old greetings, we sat down. "Our lesson is..." I lost my focus when my eyes averted to the window, watching a certain human.


He was planting flowers neatly. As it seems from my vision, he was singing a song. I smiled warmly as he cheerfully expressed happiness, staring at his work.

He patted down gently the-

"Miss Petal? Knock, knock." Miss Lilac joked. I grimaced ashamedly as she called my name out loud.

"Please do focus on the lesson. It's coming in the exam." She shook a finger at me.

"Sorry, teacher."


After too much information got sucked in my head, I felt tired as heck. It was time to go home and I don't feel like moving.

"Yo, Petal. Time to go." Chanel crunched to my head that was on my table with my arms swinging off the table. "I know.. I'll go after few minutes." I waved my arm off tiredly.

"Okay..Don't stay late!" Chanel grinned at me, shooting me a peace sign.

"Bye bye~"

I turned my back to rest on the wall, rather than the ugly, uncomfortable evil chair. Before I knew it, my head swayed to the side, hitting the window. "Ouch.." I whispered sleepily. I slowly nodded off and visited my land of unicorns.

But then, lips of a person landed on mine waking me up.



Yo.. <3

Out of the four suspects, who do you think did it? ;3;

Chapter dedicated to Washyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, (Wash_Washy) my bestieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. dat rhymed. thanks bru fo being the first fan on Wattpad.

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