Chapter 3: Safe to Dance

Start from the beginning

"Richard." He took my hand and gave a questioning look. "You've got a strong grip for such a small girl." I gave a coy giggle. "Well my father ensured that I'd be able to take care of myself."

"And who might your father be?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Well, I--" I cut myself off as I saw Damian and Tim near another table. They were smiling and talking. I smiled darkly. "Could you excuse me?" I said, leaving Richard behind and walking towards the boys.

"Boys? You're not up to something, right?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips. "No, why would you think that?" Tim asked. "Because the only time you two are ever not at each other's throats is when you're plotting something. So out with it." They looked at each other and sighed. "See that guy that you were talking to?" Tim said, gesturing towards Richard. "Well, Damian and I have a bet to see--"

"Excuse me." Dad said, tapping me on the shoulder. "As your father I think I deserve your first dance." He extended his hand to me and I hesitantly took it. I'd danced with dad before, just never with so many people around.

"Remember, just look at me." Dad said. I know he was trying to give me a confidence boost, but it wasn't working. I could hear the whispers, feel the eyes, my body tightened up. I closed my eyes and set my head on dad's chest. We stayed like that until someone tapped dad on the shoulder.

"May I cut in?" The voice asked. I lifted my head to see Richard. Dad nodded and left me in front of Richard. "Care to dance?" He asked, bowing and extending his hand to me. I took his hand and he pulled me towards him. He held me gently in his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head. "Yeah, it's just that I don't like having so many eyes on me." I said, not looking him in the eye. He laughed and spun me around. "Well it's sorta hard not to look." I blushed. "Hey, if you're nervous just look at me. And if you want, picture me naked." I blushed harder but laughed none the less. "Besides the music's great." He said. It wasn't till he said that, did I finally hear what song was playing.

My blood ran cold. I took a step back from Richard. "I-I have to go." I said in a whisper. I let go of Richard and scurried off the dance floor and out onto the nearest balcony. I felt sick. Why? Why did they have to play THAT song? "So this is love" from Walt Disney's Cinderella... It was our song. Dick and I's. But why did they have to play that song here and now of all times?!

"Did I do something wrong?" I jumped at the sound of Richard's voice. "No, I just have... bad memories of that song." I said, looking over the garden. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be haunted by things like that." I gave a small laugh as I wiped away my silent tears. "Now you're just saying things. I've been merely an object for my father to show off for so long, I don't deserve your compliments."

"No. You do. You're are a beautiful girl and I want to know what's wrong. It can't just be the song, so what is it?" I gave another empty laugh. "It was my ex boyfriend and I's song. I'd already loved the song, but he made it ours."

"So what happened?" Richard asked. "He went and kissed another girl. Sure it was just a kiss but it tore me apart so I broke it off with him." I sighed. "Still, that song reminds me of him. Of what we had."

Richard sighed. "Alright, come with me." He said, taking my hand. "What are you-"

"I'm going to take your mind off of this gloomy topic, and I'm guessing you don't want to go back inside, right?" I nodded my head. So we began talking about ourselves. Walking through the garden.

"You live in Bludhaven? And as a cop no less. It's funny how our paths have never crossed till now." I gave a small laugh. "Oh? And why's that?" He gave a smirky smile. "Because I work at a bar near the station."

"Really? So you're the one the others keep talking about." He gave a deep laugh. "Hey, ya think you could make me a free drink if I visit?" I shook my head. "I don't work behind the bar. I make sure to keep everyone safe."

"Like the bouncer?" His eyes were wide when he asked that. I nodded. "Whoa." His eyes went wider. I just shrugged. "Keeping people safe is what I like to do."

"So, then who keeps you safe?" Richard asked. "I do of course." I said, running my hand over a shrubbery. I turned my head when I felt Richard touch my shoulder. "Here." He held up an orange tiger lily. "May I?" I nodded and he placed the flower in my hair. "There. You look perfect." His hand lingered on my cheek. I could feel him lean closer and we both closed our eyes. However, when I felt our lips brush, I smirked and pushed away from him. "Never on a first date." I said waving my finger at him. As I started to walk away I heard Richard say, "Oh so this is a date now?"

"No, but if it was," I looked him up and down. "I still wouldn't."

"Oh, did you feel that?" He faked a shiver. "I think I just got a cold shoulder." I laughed. "Maybe you did. Whatcha gonna do about it?" I gave him a suggestive look and kept walking. "Come on. The party's almost over and I don't wanna miss some of the chocolate cake they're serving." I said, looking back at Richard just enough to see that he was brewing a plan in at least one of his two heads. "Come on Richard, staring at me isn't going to get cake any faster." He shook his head. "Right. Coming!" He called after me. I gave a final laugh before we went inside.

"So, I see you and Mr. Richie Rich hit it off well." Damian grumbled. "Damian? Are you okay?" I placed my hand on his shoulder. "He's just a sore loser." Tim said, flipping through channels on the television. "Am not!" Damian stomped his foot firmly on the ground. "Boys! What are you even talking about?!" I yelled making both boys look at me. "Tim made a bet with me that you would kiss that guy by the end of the night. I said you wouldn't... BUT YOU DID! And now I've lost twenty dollars!"

"You didn't lose it. I have it right here." Tim said, tauntingly swaying the twenty dollar bill around. "Tim, I didn't kiss him. He tried to kiss me, but there was absolutely no lip hugging." I said, taking the dollar from him. "And Damian this twenty dollar bill is now mine, because of your agreeing to this bet in the first place." I yawned. "Goodnight boys. I'll see you in the morning." I stretched and left for my room.

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