apologies and moving away

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1 week later
All of our stuff is packed and we are leaving tomorrow.

Me, pink, and Maddi have been so upset about it, but I have no choice but to go.

Your almost 18 why cant you just stay? Pink asks

My mom says I need to be there but Britian, but I don't see how I am helping when I'm not even the queen!
I arrived home and look finish packing my last box when I come across the socks, and shirt slade let me have. I don't want them, I'm giving them back.

I'll be back mom! I yell from downstairs

I drive to Slades house and I knock on the door.

Uh, hey. He says with a slight smile

Hey, Um here's your stuff back. I say putting them in his hands

Why are you giving these back?

Because I'm moving and I don't want any memories of us. I say

Oh, he frowns. Where ya moving to?


Oh cool.. he says slowly

Yeah, now bye. I say walking away.

Wait! He yells

What? I ask turning around

But didn't you just make the soccer team? He asks

Yeah, it sucks but I always have it back in Britain.

He looks at me for a minute, I'm sorry Ariana. He says

For what? I ask annoyed


Um, breaking my heart and telling me our "relationship" was fake? I ask

Yeah.. He says looking down

Well it's a little to late for apologizes now, isnt it?

Look Ariana, the day at school when you walked up to me and Haley talking, she was making a deal with me.

About what?

She told me that if we didn't stop seeing each other that she would make your life a living hell, and when she says that she means it. One time a girl i was talking to that liked me and I really really liked her, We done everything together more stuff then me and you and that's a lot. Then Haley made her life in and even out of school so terrible she, she... she killed herself! She got all her friends to make everyone hate her, it was terrible.

And I couldn't let that happen to you. So she made a deal that if we stopped dating and talking she would leave you be.

If that's true, then why did you have sex with me and then after that you stopped talking to me? I think pink and Maddi was right you got what you wanted from me then you dropped Me.

No! I needed that last moment with you and I made that pretty clear to Haley. So me and you done that and obviously I wanted you to believe that's why I left you because that's all I wanted ,but they were wrong Ariana, I love you.

Okay if that's true... then why did you write that mean note to me?

Because Haley found out about us texting, I don't know how and then she made me write that note, she told me everything to write and she said if I didn't she would make your life hell.
I'm single Ariana and would really love a relationship with you

At this point Slades crying.

I look down and Maddi sent me a picture of slade and some girl and the text says, told you so!

That made me very mad after all this shit he just told me. Well, if you really loved me slade, you wouldn't have cared what she said. You would have protected and took up for me. Your just trying to make things right before I leave because you can't stand for people to not like you. Your a liar Slade. And Plus long distance dont work for this girl. Bye slade, forever. I say getting into my car.

I didn't feel bad at all, he just told me he was single but yet he really has a girlfriend.

When I left he was crying, but oh well he'll learn his lesson one day.
I get home and I instantly tell maddi what just happened

Um, Ariana.


That picture was of him and her, remember when I told you she was a singer and Slade had met her before, but you didn't believe me?

Oh my God! I thought you was talking about when I didn't believe you about his new girlfriend that's rich...
I feel so bad now! I need to go apologize. I say getting up

Ariana, it's 11:00 so just text him. She says pulling me back down

Text apologize? No no no.

Well then feel guilty forever then. She says

Fine. I say rolling over in my bed.
I get up and I look at everything packed up. I don't wanna leave.

I hardly could sleep last night considering how mean I was to Slade when he was telling the truth.

Ariana let's go. My mom says walking past my door

I just got up though.

Should have got up at 8 like I told you to. She says

I brush my teeth and throw my hair up in a messy ball.

We all start packing up in the moving truck.
We finally got everything packed and now on our way to the airport.... :-(
We get to the airport and We go in and before I leave to the plane, I look at pink and Maddi.

I start crying. They hug me.

Promise you'll call me everyday. Pink says

Promise.I say sniffling.

And me to. Maddi says smiling at me.

Promise I say smiling back.

Pink and Maddi are now crying which is making me cry more.

Bye guys... I say walking towards the lady with my ticket.

Right when I was about to grab it Maddi says my name.

I turn around to see Slade.

I instantly start crying and I run and hug him tightly

I'm sorry, I say crying on his shoulder.

No, I'm sorry. He says

I look up at him, tears going down my cheeks. I'll come visit you one day.

I wish we could be together everyday. He says kissing my head

Me to. I'm gonna miss you so much.

I already miss you. He says still hugging me

He then smashes his lips onto mine and Maddi and pink join.

I walk away, I'll call y'all everyday! Love yall all. I say sobbing.

I get the ticket and I watch as they watch me, Maddi crying into Slades and pinks shoulders.

I watch outside the plane window as they wave at me.
I wave back and Slade blows me a kiss, I blow one back.

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