Prom, fights, and love

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I can't believe prom is finally here!

I jump up and run to my closet grabbing dress,
Long red dress with white diamonds running down the right side of it.

I grab my red heels that also have white diamonds on them.

I get my mom to do my hair, considering Maddi wants to be a bitch and not help.

Its up in a curly bun and my makeup is done with perfection!!!

I grab my clutch bag throwing a few things in it and Slade texts,
I'm here babe.

My mom comes out to take pictures then we get in the limousine he rented.

Slades wearing a black tux with red on it matching my dress.

He gives me a white rose to go around my wrist
(Forgot what they are called)
You look absolutely beautiful and perfect, slade tells me.

Thanks babe, you look perfect and handsome. I say and I lightly kiss him
We arrive at the school gym and we walk in and everybody looks at us, but we ignore them and keep walking.

We dance for like 2 hours then someone says,
Can I get everyone's attention please?
Can I have the following people to come up on the stage please?

(Pink convinced me to run for queen)
And Slade

We have the king and queen names in the sheet of paper right here, ladies and gentlemen!

Our 2015 king is....
Slade!!!!! Everyone claps and screams for him

Our 2015 queen is...
Ariana!!!!! Evryone also claps and screams.

My heart drops... I expected Haley, but ok....

Would either of you like to say anything?
I nod, no thanks but slade does

I would like to thank everyone for voting me as your king! I would most of all like to thank this beautiful girl Ariana for supporting me and being the person she is, I'm glad I get to have this dance with her and nobody else, thanks!

He walks up to me as the play a slow song, we kiss and I say, thanks so much that was so sweet.

Your welcome princess. He says, as I lay my head on his shoulder as we slow dance.

I see Haley giving me the evil eye and she motions me to come here.

Slade, I will be right back.
He nods.

What? I ask her annoyed

Don't what me!
Didn't I tell you to stay away from Slade? She says

Um yeah, and look who didn't listen. I laugh.

Okay, you may can steal my popularity, and my crown, but you will not steal him!
She growls.

I look at her and burst out laughing, I'm not popular so dont dwell on it. I say

Okay, you didn't listen when I said stay away, so I'll take matters into my own hands.
she says smiling evil-ly walking away from me.

I shrug my shoulders and walk back over to Slade and we continue to dance.

I see Maddi sitting and talking with some boy, and I walk up to her because slade went to get us some punch,

Um Maddi, can I talk to you.... alone? I ask

No, you can do it now. She says with a attitude.

Okay, well once again I'm sorry I just wanna enjoy tonight and have a dance with my best friend. I say smiling.

Well I'm here with a date, and so are you, so get back to him and leave us alone. She snaps,

Okay you know what?
I'm done with your ass!
I've been trying to be nice and apologize, but you wanna act like a snobby bitch! You don't have to live with me! If I wanted to I could pack your shit and throw you to the streets, but you know what I'm not going to because your my best friend, your my cousin, and I love you but you clearly don't think the same way towards me. So fuck it Maddi, don't talk to me ever again I'm finished with your ass! Oh and by the way I'll be damned if I sit here and let you talk shit about Slade, and in front of my face, let it happen again Maddi your face will be in my fucking fist! I yell at her, I can feel my face heated.

I look around the room to see EVERYONE staring at us, I guess it happened again I caused another scene.

Slade walks up to me and asks if I'm okay.

Yea I'm fine, I just wanna leave this hellhole.

Lets go then, he said smiling.

He drives me to his house.

We walk in and he gives me something comfy to change into,
One of his tee shirts and I already had a pair of soffee shorts up under my dress.

I let down my hair and wet it getting all the hair spray out.

I walk back to his blue room, well living room and I sit down beside him.

He gives me a pair of his long black Nike socks.

I walk back downstairs to see him rolling a blunt, I grab it from his hand and begin taking puffs, he laughs and gets him another one.

We drunk about 3 beers, not enough to get drunk tho, and smoke a few things.... and I eventually got tired,

I fell asleep in his arms.

I wake up and I see him smiling at me.

I love you, you know that? He asks rubbing my thigh.

I get turned on as he got closer to my spot. I love you to I say getting in his lap and making out with him.

He pulls off his shirt not breaking the kiss.

He tugs on mine asking permission and I nod.

He starts to unzip his pants, and he grabs something out of his drawer, a condom.
2 hours later

Thanks for the ride home in the Limousine and everything else, I smile kissing him goodnight.

I walk in the house holding my dress. Its about 12 am so everyone is in bed.

I lock the door, and walk up to my room

I take a shower and wash my hair but I sleep in his t-shirt and socks he gave me.

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