Lies and depression

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Ariana pov
It's been nearly 2 weeks since what happened about Slade claiming he had other plans.

So past two weeks update:
I've asked Slade to hang out everyday since that day and he keeps saying he has other plans, And 3 of those days we had plans but he canceled because he said his grandma has been in icu.

Me and Maddi have gotten into it 4 Times, one time my mom and sister had to pull me off her ass.

Haley pushed me into a locker, so I took matters into my own hands and beat the shit outta her, got suspended 2 day's.

My mom now forbids me from seeing Slade over series of events that have happened in two weeks, but she ain gotta worry about us seeing each other any time soon.
I throw on a pair of shorts, t-shirt and sandals. Regular everything else.

Mom, I'm going out.

Okay. She says.

I decide to go to the flower store and get Slades grandmother some flowers, and take them to her.

I'm still pissed at Slade, but me and his grandmother were pretty close and I'm sad that the condition she's now in.... so imma get her, her favorite flowers, white roses.

I walk in and look around for some white roses. I find them and go check them out.

I write,
Mrs.Colfield, I really hope you get to feeling better I am really sorry for the condition your in. Get well soon, love us
Xoxo, Ariana.

I drive to the hospital.

I walk up to the icu rooms and ask which one Mrs.colfield is in.

Mrs.colfield? They ask


There is no Colfield in icu, Ms.

Ummm, she may have got moved Will you search the hospital system?

Yes, hold on. The lady tells me...
No Colfield.

I walk out of the hospital, did Slade lie to me?

I pull up at Slades house, which isn't to far from the hospital.

I knock on the door and Slade opens the door.

Um hey... He says

Hey... I went to see your grandmother and she wasn't there...

Oh yeah, about that.... she um... got out early.

I could tell he was lying.

Oh okay.. you can keep these roses... just give them to her for me.

Ok, bye. He says closing the door.
I drive home and flop down on my bed. Ugh.... I yell in my pillow.

I get up and look at my calender, I've gotta get braces next week...

I also see the February dance that Slade had already asked me to go to, and I said yes.

I guess we're going together,it's in 2 days, so...

- ring ring ring-
Hello? Slade asks


Um, hey. He says

Well I checked my calender and the February dance is in 2 days, and I know we are supposed to go together, are we still going?

About that, my parents are kinda making me go with Haley, our parents are good friends with hers, so... he says once again could tell he was lying

At this point my eyes were filled with tears, oh okay...
I said about to cry and he could tell.

Sorry, gotta go. Bye... he says hanging up

I literally cry in my pillow for about 40 minutes.
That's it.

I get up and my makeup is streaming down my face, but I dont care

I get in my car and pass 2 stop signs and run 3 red lights, and finally arrive at Slades.

I knock roughly on his door and he opens it.

What are you doing here, Ariana? He asks annoyed.

Look, I know you don't wanna see me obviously, but are we even still a couple?
I ask crying.

Look, I can't have a relationship right now, you need to go home. He says

I look at him dead in the face and I really really wanted to punch him in his face, but I couldn't and wouldn't.
I care about him to much.

Ok, but this may be over to you, but I love and care for you to much. I say walking away to my car still crying.

I put on a regular outfit.
Pink tank top, with white pants with pink and red flowers on them, with red flats. Regular hair and makeup.

I grab all my stuff and walk downstairs and eat really fast then brush my teeth, then leave to go to school.

I arrive and I sit down and wait for class to begin when slade passes me a note,
Ariana I know I was harsh yesterday, but I just can't date you, or talk to you anymore. None of us was real and I mean none of it!
It was all fake, the kisses, the %@# the everything!
Sorry for hurting you but it's completely over, and I never really loved you.

That made me wanna cry but then again I wanted to blow up on him.

Right when the teacher was about to begin teaching I jumped up,

What the hell do you mean none of it was real!? You told me at least 40 Times a day you fucking loved me!
We kissed, we even had sex! And your telling me none of it was love, or real?! Fuck you slade, I should have listened to Maddi and pink and everyone else warning me about how you have sex with girls then you drop them like it was nothing! Oh wait it's nothing to your manwhore ass! Rot in hell jackass! I yell before storming out.

I walk out super pissed off.

I get home and immediately go to my bathroom and before i know it my razors in my hand with blood streaming down my arms.

I didn't even feel the shit, which made me cut deeper until I let out a little yell.

It made me calm down, and even though I've had this problem before an went to mental health for it, I still do it when I get depressed.

I just couldn't believe that Slade wrote me that note..

I eventually fell asleep in my bathroom floor.
Ariana, where are you!? I hear my mom yell.

I jump up and lock my bathroom door, hold on mom in the bathroom! What do you need?

We have guests coming over for dinner! Get dressed. She says.

Okay mom...

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