"Now to the main event of this dreary day. Renesmee and friends, welcome." He grinned.

I gave a slight but respectful nod before averting my gaze to Jamie who was crying.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Tyler questioned bravely.

Aro moved in lightening speed to stand just inches from Tyler. Though Tyler was taller by almost a foot he seemed to cower at Aro's gaze.

"I'm surprised your dear friend didn't tell you more."

Tyler turned to look at me but I couldn't look him in the eye. I felt guilty for what was about to happen shortly. This was my fault.

Aro laughed. "So it seems the one who divulges secrets doesn't tell the most important part."

"That's a lie!" I snapped, my cheeks flushed a angry red.

"Renesmee what is he talking about?" Jamie spoke wearily.

I turned my gaze to meet Aro. "Please give me time to explain why this is happening." I pleaded.

Caius rose to his feet. "This is a preposterous request. The crime has been done." He waved his hand. "Demetri take care of this."

Demetri who had been standing by Marcus gave a sinister smile before he disappeared only to reappear with Jamie in his arms. His mouth lowered just inches from her neck before he froze at Aro's call.

"I will allow it." He smiled. "I'm looking forward to seeing the humans reaction to their fate given to them by a friend."

Demetri licked Jamie's neck before he closed his eyes and sniffed at her jugular vein.

"Hey man back off my girlfriend!" Tyler shouted earning himself a vicious glare.

Demetri shoved Jamie into Tyler's arms as he hissed angrily. "That mouth of yours has just moved you to the appetizer." Demetri snarled before returning to his spot in the corner.

"You have ten minutes." Aro said before he turned back to his previous activities.

I sighed as I took their hands and led them to the furthest corner from everyone in the room. Then we sat down.

"What is going on? Why are we here and what do they want?" Tyler said as he wrapped his arm around Jamie who was shaking as tears fell down her face.

"I told you this would happen when you kept asking me about my family." I admitted.

I heard his heart beat pick up and I knew he understood. He turned his head to look behind him to where the Aro and them stood. "They are the Volturi?" I nodded my head slowly. "I didn't think you were serious."

"I wish you did. Who did you tell?"

He looked down at Jamie who was in his arms. "Only Jamie why?"

"I warned you if anyone knew anything about my families secret they would be murdered by the Volturi." My eyes were wide.

In that half second Jamie seemed to come alive. She rose quickly to her feet and crossed her arms as she tried to put some distance between herself and us.

I slowly mimicked her and rose to my feet as well as Tyler.

"Why would you do this to me!" She shrieked. Tears pour from her eyes and cascaded down her red tinged cheeks.

"Jamie I didn't know." Tyler took a step forward only for Jamie to take a step back.

"Oh you knew alright, Renesmee told you and warned you." She then looked at me. "Tyler is supposed to be your best friend, why would you tell him a secret that could get him killed." She shook her head. "You are both really screwed up in he head you know that."

"Calm down Jamie."

She laughed hysterically, tears still falling. "You are telling me to calm down when I am about to be murdered!" She charged forward and slapped Tyler in the face.

Tyler grabbed Jamie's hands and held them in a vice grip. "Calm down!"

"Don't you tell me to clam down!" She screamed.

"You can't blame this all on me Jamie. I didn't want to tell you and I even warned you what Renesmee had said to me when I begged her. You told me you didn't care!" He all but shouted his words in her face. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before his eyes opened. This time he spoke calmly. "I told you if you knew what I knew you would be in danger." Then he released her hands and she slumped to her knees on the floor.

Tyler turned around to look at me, tears lightly glistened the rims of his eyes. "Everything you told me is true."

I nodded my head. "I warned you of the consequences."

"And now we have to die." Jamie whispered.

New Rise - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now