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Chapter 44: Cute

~Seto's POV~

This guy, I've seen him before. "Hello Mr. Ellis." I said getting up and walking to the door "hello Seto, Jerome." Jerome gets up and walks over to John.

We gave him a hug. "I think you guys know each other." Mitch said "ya, this is Ty's father Mr. Ellis, he's so kind." Jerome said "oh, please, call me John, and who are you two?" John asked "this is my boyfriend Brice and that's Jerome's boyfriend Mitch." I pointed to both of them.

"It's really good to meet you." John smiled and shook their hands "babe, how do you know Mr. Ellis?" Mitch asked Jerome "I went to Ty's house with Seto once and John was there. He's so kind and accepting to gays." Jerome said and smiled at John "ya, well I know that Tyler lives with Adam but I never got around to ask Adam where he lives, and I just wanted to give Tyler a quick visit." John said "oh ok, we can walk there, it isn't that far." I said "oh no, you don't have to go out of your way to come with me. You can just tell me how many houses down it is." "No no, it's no problem. And we can pay Adam and Ty a little visit too." I smiled and he nods.

~time skip~

~(Bastard, I mean)John's POV~

Dammit. I need to get Tyler alone. If they see how Tyler and Adam react to seeing me. I lose their trust. And I'm pretty sure Brice doesn't trust me. He's had his eyes on me ever since I walked through the door of his house.

The only way I found it is because they go to the park too often. I just hope Zack gets here in time for back up.

~Ty's POV~

I groaned and turned over. Adam was still in bed next to me "Adam, babe wake up." He started pushing him but he didn't move. I leaned up and bit his ear and started pulling on it. He groaned but remained asleep.

Scratched his chest a few times but he stayed asleep. I even slapped him. Nothing. HOW LATE DID HE STAY OUT! "Babe, wake up." I whine (the only thing I can thing of right now is when Mufasa died in Lion King ;-;) "babe please." I nuzzled his face "5 more minutes mom." He groans, mom? Oh hell nah. I leaned close to his ear and made an annoying sound that cats make when their in a fight.

Adam growled and hit me. "Adam?" I whimpered "let me sleep." He growled, I lowered my ears and got up. I put on Adam's red hoodie and walked downstairs. The dogs happily greeted me.

I walked into the kitchen and got them some food and clean water. It taking about 3 minutes. They started eating and I walked to the couch and sat down. I didn't mean to upset Adam. I just thought he needed to go in the offices. I didn't want him to be late.

Dakota came up to me, noticing my sad mood, he jumped up on the couch and licked my face. I giggled and scratched his head "I love you Dakota." I said, Bear and Alex walked up to us "I love you guys too." I chuckled and kissed all three of them on the head.

I heard a lowly growl and a shirtless Adam come down the stairs holding him head. I flattened my ears and forced on the dogs. He patted my head, making me flinch, as he made his way to the kitchen.

I heard the coffee machine going and the cabinets open and the sound of the glass connecting with the island.

I got up and decided to make Adam breakfast. Maybe he will be happier if he eats. Maybe he's just hungry. I got out some batter to make pancakes.

As I started to make them, Adam got his coffee and walked into the living room. I got out a plate and put the 5 pancakes I've made on the plate. I'm not really that hunger.

I walked out of the kitchen and saw Adam drinking his coffee while watching tv. I set the plate of food in front of him, on the table "no thanks, I'm not hungry." Adam said. I flattened my ears and whimpered. I picked up the plate and walked back into the kitchen.

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