Chapter 21:See What Happens When I Let It Go?

Start from the beginning

"C-can you like back away a little"I spoke and then wanted to slap myself.

"Of course but first let me just-"He cut himself off as he started breathing all over me with an open mouth.

"Eww!Someone help my nostrils are dying!Help!"I shouted but couldn't stop laughing as he joined in but didn't stop breathing on me.

His breath didn't stink at all.Instead it smelt like peppermint mouthwash.Damn him.

His laugh was so lively and happy it made my heart jump.

I tried escaping but he had made me back up against a wall.

I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe;I constantly kept shaping my hand into a T shape so he got the moto and he was in the same condition I was,taking cups of air into his lungs as he placed his head at the crook of my neck.

As he rested his head there my body was drenched in everlasting fire and butterflies.If he even moved a cm my mouth would deceive me.

His nose gently traced the crook softly as he was breathing my scent In and out.He didn't even realise he was doing it as we both tried to get out breath back.But he was making it much harder for me..

I don't know how long we just stayed in that position,it felt so amazing.I forgot where we were and what I was doing.All my problems just flew away in an instant.

My eyes suddenly snapped open as I spotted his hands were clenching;He was controlling himself.His hands weren't even touching me.


I basically leaped out of the trap he had gotten me In as fast as I could,before I could sprint out the room and then realise what I'm doing,a warm hand grabbed my hand and spun me around so I came crashing into his chest.

Ignore the feelings Blair.

"I'm sorry did I do anything?"He asked completely confused and cutely.

"No I..I just needed some air"I half whispered.Lying.

"Blair.."He scanned my eyes again and I knew he knew I was lying.

"You have a girlfriend Sir,What if she saw that both of us were laughing together"It's Kristen she would definitely mind.

I can't let him get too close to me;he's someone else's.So if I do fall for him it Will hurt way more.Plus he's my proffesor! And I don't like him..obviously.

He looked like he remembered something and cursed himself.I hate when he does that.

"We were only laughing,she's my girlfriend.Shes not that bad"He walked past me towards his bed blankly.

"Stop!If you're always going to switch moods whenever you're with me please just stop,You're messing with my mind!"I exclaimed frustratedly as I let it all out.

He turned to face my annoyed face and a smile traced his lips but then he stopped.

"Why are you so amused by this?"I added,a hint if anger showing.

"Because you're cute when you're annoyed or mad at me"He simply replied and i lost my words that were about to come out.

"I'm your student Mr Baker,do you talk to every pupil like that?"knitting my eyebrows in rage he got up from his bed.

"'re killing me"He whispered seriously; I could see in his eyes how much pain he was feeling.But I didn't know why.

His hand wrapped around my waist so I would focus on him as i kept getting lost in my thoughts.

I gasped at the sudden hotness.No one had ever made me feel like he does,he's so hypnotising and breathtaking.

"Just do me a favour whenever you're around me don't gasp Blair!"He ran a  hand through his hair.

"Okay,sorry"I hated how my voice came out soft yet husky.Even though I was still mad.

"Oh for heavens sake!Dont speak,Just ugh don't say anything at all"He added fearing he would do something he wanted ever so badly.

I let out a little chuckle at his frustration and he gave me a view of his crescent dimples and perfect teeth.

"Fuck.God dammit Blair...Don't laugh either"


-------------------1200 words-----------

Thankyou for reading beautiful!I hoped you enjoyed it!If you did please support me and let me know so please☀️:


Stay smiling you're beautiful💖💚🌍xoxooxoxoxoxooxxoxoxoxoxoxo

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