Chapter 11

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Mild smut WARNING! Fair warning I decided to get a little physical romance going between the two of them. If it's going to bother you, don't read this chapter! It won't mess up the story if you skip this chapter.


We woke up at 6am the next morning. It was way too early for me to be getting up, thank the Gods I took a nap yesterday. Will, on the other hand, looked like shit. Usually he is more of a morning person, however, we were up way past his bedtime. He gave me a kiss not saying a word and headed toward the shower. I was really resisting the urge to strip down and join him. I walked over to the bathroom and opened the door, the steam from the shower hitting me in the face. Stripping off my clothes from the night before, I headed to the fogged shower stall. I opened the shower door and walked in, joining my lover. I didn't really know what to expect seeing my fiancé in all of his beautiful glory. I mean, I knew that he wasn't small, just from him poking me in the backside while we were sleeping. Other than that, I had no idea what the parts of him I didn't explore were like. His junk hung out predominantly below his golden blonde pubic hair. I had known he had a killer ass, however the sight of it bare was breath taking. I grabbed the soap and started washing myself as he just stared at me. Will stood there in a state of shock looking at me.

I just looked at his face and said. "I didn't feel like waiting an hour for you to get ready, so I figured that I'd join you."


Holy fuck, Nico just got in the shower with me, naked. The sight of his body was breath taking. Nico was slender, except for his jet black pubes he didn't have a hair on his torso. Strangely, I think the thing that shocked me the most was, he was uncut. For some reason, it never dawned on me that him being born in Italy, he would have foreskin. It didn't bother me, it was just something different. Besides that, I could only tell he was Italian from the hair on his arms and legs. He stood beside me soaping up his thin, slightly defined, chest. His body was perfect in every way that I had imagined. He was still too thin for my liking's, but he seemed to be getting some weight back. I never thought I would be with my Nico naked like this for the first time. I have to admire him for one thing, he never tried to touch me the whole time. He just washed himself off, then left when he was done. I had known that he had issues exposing his body, however, I never expected him to do something like this.


I sat on the edge of our bed, still just wearing a towel. Will came out of the bathroom in the same attire as me. "Nico, I never expected you to do something like that."

"If something were to happen, I didn't want you having to image what I looked like in the buff." I smiled at my lover. "It's only flesh, how bad could it be to see."

He made his way over to where I was sitting on the bed. Will smiled at me when he said, "your flesh is amazingly beautiful to look at. I'm so glad you chose me to be with you."

Will leaned in and started kissing me. I kissed him back letting my hands roam over his firm chest. He sat down on the bed beside me without breaking our kiss. At that moment I really felt a desire to take care of his needs. I let my hand work my way back down his smooth chest and chiseled abs. It found its way back to his blonde happy trail. This time I followed it down until I reached the towel. Yes I was a little scared, however, I knew what I wanted to do. I felt a need to take care of my lover who has always taken care of me. I slowly started to untangle the towel that he had wrapped extra tight today. Once the towel was off him, my lover sat beside me fully naked and very, uh, awake. It didn't take me long to find what I was looking for. I wrapped my hand around him and started stroking. I would definitely have to say that his man parts were very well endowed. Will broke off his kiss and started nibbling on my earlobe. He'd only done that to be once or twice before and it drove me insane. Before long he started moaning and whispered in my ear. "Baby that feels so good. Please don't stop, I love you so much." He sat there for a while enjoying what I was doing, kissing my neck and shoulders. Finally, Will cringed and shot all over his chest and abs. He looked into my eyes and smiled before kissing me again.

"I think you need to go get cleaned up, again. We need to get going soon. It's getting close to 7am and I don't want to hold them up."

"Thank you for doing that. I didn't know that you had it in you." He gave me another peck on the cheek, then went back to the bathroom to shower, again.

I sat there, still smiling, watching his cute bubble butt walk across the room. My man was so hot, I couldn't stop thinking about being with him. I knew that I would have a few minutes, so I decided to take care of my own pressing problem. I laid back thinking of my lover and enjoyed my own bliss.

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