chapter 17

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{please read author's note!}

Chapter 18

I hated it here. There wasn't even a correct word how to describe my hatred for this place. I felt like a trapped animal and this island was my never ending cage. Isolated was what I felt and believe me, it felt terrible. I just wanted to go home or curl up in a lonely ball. I wasn't just 'alone', I was lost. My empty feeling was never to be filled and I realized that I would probably not hold up the end of my deal. Pan would win regardless whether I would or would not remember who I truly was. Pan was the undefeatable. He was an indestructible human being and he was definitely more than powerful. Sometimes when it was night and we all sat around the fire, I would accidently stare into his eyes and the only thing I saw was pure grief and hatred. Whoever made him that angry, must've done something terrible to set his hate off. I'd rather not be in those person's boots. Speaking of the devil himself, he definitely made sure to keep an eye on me all day, which was slowly starting to grow on my nerves. Everywhere I went, someone was near me, I could feel it. I wasn't stupid. I no longer felt safe in an place a child should feel safe and have fun. A place of someone else's dream had become my living nightmare.

"Hey Arya! Need some help? It sure looks like it." one of the lost boys shouted, with a dead pan. I struggled to carry five heavy logs of wood in my arms. I could feel the splinters poking in my arms and I absolutely despised splinters. But I knew better to force myself to keep on going. Sweat beads were forming on my fore head from pure commitment to the hard work Felix ordered me to do. I was glad I was given the same chores as the others. I never liked to be treated in a special way.

The rest of the boys that were around him all erupted into laughter. I bluntly ignored them and continued to struggle with the logs as I walked back to the others at the camp. It wasn't the first time the boys would take a piss with me. I'd been the center of negative attention lately. And it was slowly starting to annoy me. It took great strength of me to ignore them or their snarky comments. Suddenly, a tight grip on my upper arm stopped me and caught me completely off guard. I accidently dropped the wood and was about to pick them up when a harsh arm brought me up again. My eyes met those icy ones from another boy whose name I didn't know.

"I'm talking to you." the boy spat as he pulled me closer to him. His breath fanned my cheeks and I could feel my heartbeat go faster. He slightly twisted my arm, making me hiss in pain. I looked up to see a hardly familiar face. A face that I'd probably seen before around the hideout, but I couldn't actually bring up any names. I tried to yank my arm back, but for once, the boy was much stronger and older than that I was. His brown eyes spat malice and his lips curled a cheeky smirk. "Aw come on Arya, you're a tough girl right? why are you being such a wimp?" he coed as he laughed with the rest of the others. "piss off." I hissed, trying to shake off his tight grip around my arm. But the boy wouldn't let go of my arm and only twisted it further. I let out a loud yelp and cringed at the horrible feeling. "Not so badass without your trusty bow huh?" he growled into my ear, as he pushed me back, making me stumble back to the ground. My bum fell on the ground and little stars of dizziness formed in front of my sight.

Trying to comprehend what just had happened, the boy already took advantage of the moment and grabbed my own bow and arrow. My eyes had a hard time adjusting and dizziness took over my body. When I looked up again, I looked straight at the sharp point of an arrow. "sucks to be you right?" he smirked, before releasing the arrow.


hey guys!!!

I'm really sorry for being so so so sooooo inactive on this story and that it's really short  ;-;. school has been a bitch now I'm in college and this story makes me cringe with all of these mistakes I made and I was scared to write any further. Every time I read it on my own it's sounds so bad and the grammar makes me want to vomit XD but now I see that people actually still like it, bc damn son I hit the 1k and people vote and comment. I felt extremely bad for them, but I felt really dissatisfied about how the story was going. It's not that I haven't forgotten about it, because throughout all these months, I've been working on a Neverland story I do somewhat like, but it's still not published. It's called broken souls Fix themselves. I'll publish it somewhere this week on a account I share with my bestfriend and I'll let you know all the details if you want.  

It doesn't mean that this story is over! i will now promise to post chapters as often as I can.

xxxx ikimmilove

Lost in neverland   {Peter pan fanfic}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें