•chapter 5•

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Chapter 5

I stared at the flames. It's so odd that you could get mesmerized and taken away by stupid and simple flames so easily.

Simple yes, but stupid? Just like so many other things in life, we use them to keep us alive. It is common sense. We turn towards the things our instinct tells us to when time hits despair. It's something we do without thinking, something we do automatic. Some people might call it common sense. But what purpose does fire has in this situation? It keeps us warm yes, it cooks our food yes, but is there something else? What if you don't have food to cook? I can't seem figure out how that's going to keep us alive.

"You think a lot aye?" Louis asked, making me snap out of my thoughts. I gazed up upon a Louis who was munching away on whatever it was.

"From time to time." I chuckled softly, still not completely back from my daze.

I clutched my hands to my upper arms and gazed around the group of boys who sat around the fire. Most of them already left to go to bed, but some of them didn't. We all sat around a vivid fire. We all tried to keep ourselves warm, because the air was so moist and cold.

I had never seen a night that was as dark as this one. But It wasn't just 'dark', no, it was sinister dark. Don't ask me why, but ever since I got here, I had the feeling that my staying here, was not going to end well.

"You never told us why you left." Louis asked cautiously.


"Well, I uh- assumed that you left the enchanted forest like most of us did." He explained with a hint of nervousness in his voice. I thought about it, while gazing at him. Do you think I'm from the enchanted forest? Maybe I am. But I could as well, come from someplace else.

"As far as I know, I never left my home." I explained.

To know that I probably will never see my family, hurts. Even though I can't remember their faces. It hurts a lot more if you don't know who or what you're missing, because how hard you try to seek for a soothing voice and a calm face, nothing will ever become clear.

Louis facial expression turned soft and his eyes didn't deviate from me. He let out a small, barely noticeable sigh and gave me a reassuring smile. His dimples showed and his curly mop of hair cascaded a shadow over his face.

I stayed quiet for a moment, but it was very comfortable. The sound of the wild jungle was filling up the quietness in the air. Odd noises were heard within a mile distance and even though the boys looked up for a second, they didn't seem faced by it. As if they already gotten used to the strange and horrid noises that echoed through the jungle at night.

"Can you remember your family Louis?" I asked carefully, glancing up at him through my eyelashes. His sad green eyes turned to the ground. I immediately regretted my question. How could I be so foolish, to ask a boy who probably hasn't seen his family for years if he could remember them. very smooth 'William'.

"Not really. I know I have a big brother and a little sister. I remember my mother and father being the most friendliest people on the world. They would never hurt a fly." He said, gloating a little bit. I could almost feel his hurt and sorrow and it struck me straight into my soul.

"Can you remember their faces?" I asked, curious.

"No not really. That becomes increasingly harder the longer you stay here. Most of the guys here can't remember their homes and family anymore. Like Adam and Zachary for example." He explained, nodding to the two boys. "There are only a few of us left who can remember their life before Neverland."

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