"I'm sorry for ruining the moment for you, but I'm not sorry for keeping that Makayla girl--"


"--from breaking your heart," I finish.

He looks at me confusedly. "Breaking my heart? Andrew, it was one kiss."

"It was not just one kiss. You asked her to be your girlfriend, man. Trust me, Adam, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." We reached the steps to the porch, and I pause at the bottom of them to talk to my brother.

Adam frowns slightly, and begins to defend himself. "Just because you and Hailey didn't work out--"

I roll my eyes and climb the three steps to the porch, Adam at my heels. "This is not about me and--"

A voice from the darkness clears their throat. My first thought is Karen, but then the figure steps out of the shadows and into the warm glow of the porch light.

"Hailey," I squeak out. She's still in her blue dress from the party, as if she'd come straight here instead of going to wherever she and her family are staying. Her long, blonde hair catches the light, creating an angelicness in her features. In other words, she's just as breathtaking as always.

Adam stands on the step just below me, looking between the two of us with a bit of discomfort. His eyes shift from me to Hailey and back again, seemingly expecting a show of some sort.

"Adam," I say, glancing over in his direction. "Go inside, I'll be there in a minute."

He nods, coming up the last step and awkwardly passing between Hailey and I.

"Oh, Adam," I say, momentarily stopping him. "Make sure Karen's asleep will you? She's had a long day."

He gives Hailey a quick glance in acknowledgement and then looks back at me. "Will do." With that, he disappears into the house, closing the door behind him.

I wait a few moments after the door closes to hear the sound of retreating footsteps, but the sound never comes. Chuckling lightly, I hold my index finger to my lips and slowly back up to the door, making sure my footsteps are silent. Then, swiftly, I open the door fast and hard and hear the satisfying thump of wood hitting skull.

"Jesus Christ!" Adam exclaims from the other side of the door. He sucks his breath in from pain, and I can imagine him cradling his head where I hit him.

I call through the door, "That's what you get for trying to eavesdrop."


"Language," I playfully scold. "Now go away before I do it again."

"Okay, okay, I'm gone." Soon enough I hear him run up the stairs and I know it's safe to talk now. He's not coming back down unless he wants a blue and purple face in the morning.

I look back at Hailey, who is standing with a faint smile on her face. Something about it makes it appear elegant. I shrug--not really knowing what else to do--as if to say 'Siblings. What can you do?'. I awkwardly place the cake and strawberries on the porch swing, making sure it's stable before I move away. "So, uh," I start, not exactly knowing where I'm going with this. "Why are you here?" Oh, well that just sounds rude.

Seemingly unfazed, she replies, "I just thought I'd check on Adam. He seemed pretty upset earlier, so...yeah." Now a soft blush covers the apples of her cheeks, and she looks down at her shoes to try to hide it.

"Oh," I say, with a bit of disappointment, "well, he's doing better. I'll let him know you asked." I take a step towards the door, thinking we're done with our conversation.

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