Chapter 15 (Part 2)

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Alyssa's POV

I was so nervous, what do I say? I feel like I've been giving him such a hard time and I don't want to put him through that again. You know what they say, history tends to repeat itself if you're not careful. I wanted to talk to him so bad but I'm not sure this would work out. I have friends and family back home and I sure as hell would miss them a lot. If I were to stay here for any longer I'm sure my mom would go absolutely bonkers without my company.

I'd really love to chat but I've got tons of stuff going on this week, it's unbelievable. I've got work, along with visiting friends an family back home. Maybe when I get back? I know that's not exactly the answer you were looking for but I really need this time with them. They haven't seen me in months and I feel like I'm being a total jerk by just leaving them like that. Man, my texts are long. Anyway I'll talk to you when I get back on Sunday.

It was currently Friday and those three days away from here are what I need. Men are so much work. Constant cleaning, cooking, watching movies with Jerome...Jerome would miss me too. I could never leave such a sweetheart like him.

I soon heard a beep come from my phone and my heart just about hopped out of my chest.

Oh, okay well I'll see you then :/

Oh no I made him sad. I mean all he wants to do is talk. Maybe I should go talk to him now, surprise him? I'm gonna do it, I have to, I can't just leave him to drown in his own pool of tears. So I snuck down the hall the Mitch's door. I twisted the door knob and it was locked. Hmm, strange. I knocked but said nothing, still wanting to surprise him. "Oh, crap. Jess get dressed." He did not just say that. He wants to talk to me while he's having sex with some girl? What is his problem?

I walked back down the hall way and just as I was about to open my door, Mitch came out, half naked. "Wait! Alyssa! It isn't what it looks like, I swear!" I was done with him. I try to be nice but it just ends up all spiraling into one big black hole. I looked up with teary eyes, opened my door and slamed it shut as well as locking it. I ran to my bed, untangled my ear buds and cried myself to sleep.

"Jess, get out! Now! I can't even look at you right now! I just lost one amazing friend over a one night stand!" She stood in front of his door, nearly naked, crying her eyes out. "You know Mitch, you should clean up this act you have going here because you are never going to get a girl if you're still hung up on that slut!" She called me a slut...I pulled my head back into my room and looked in the mirror and all it was saying back was "He will never find love of he's hung up on a slut like you, Alyssa." A single tear ran down my cheek and it all went black.

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