Chapter 15 (Part 1)

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A/n: ugh guys I'm so bad at updating. JUST LETTING YOU KNOW I DID NOT GET A LIFE, I PROMISE. I'm just being lazy as hell. Sowwy. Could you possibly find it way deep down in your amazing hearts to possibly forgive me? Again, like I said last time this happened, I feel absolutely horrible and I totally get it if you guys forever hate me

Mitch's POV

1 new message
From: Alyssa
I've been a real jerk lately and I've been getting upset over the smallest things. I'm sorry for acting the way I have been since I've arrived. I promise I'll move out soon. No telling when but at the most, 2 months. I understand if you hate me umm bye I guess

How could she think that I hate her? I'm in love with her! And I have to let her know fast.

To: Alyssa
Alyssa, I could never be mad at you and I could most certainly never hate you! And you're not allowed to move out, we would all miss you so much! When you do have a couple minutes though I would like to maybe sit down and have an actual civilized conversation with you for once lol. So whenever you're free let me know so we can chat a bit.

I hope she's free soon. I want to let her know how I really feel about her. She may have only moved in a little while ago but what I feel for her is something I've never felt before and even though I've never felt this way, I'm sure it's love.

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