Chapter 1

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Riker was walking home late one evening from the beach.

Curt saw him as he started getting near, so he went and blocked his path. "Hey there."

"Um, excuse me." Riker said, trying to walk around the stranger.

Curt blocked his path again. "You're really cute, Riker."

Riker froze. " do you know me?" He was starting to get scared. Very scared.

"I've been watching you." Curt said, moving extremely close to him. "That's how I know everything about you." He pinned Riker onto the wall. "Now I have a little thing here that I can easily use, but I prefer not to. So why don't you be a good little boy, and follow me?" Riker whimpered in fear, and nodded. "Good." Curt said. He pulled Riker onto himself and wrapped his arm around his waist, tightly. "Don't even think of screaming or asking for help." He said as he started leading him to his car. Riker started crying. "Aw, why are you crying?" Curt asked, as he shoved Riker into his car and got in himself.

"Because I'm scared." Riker said. "I don't want to be kidnapped."

"Oh, no, no you're not being kidnapped." Curt said, caressing his cheek. "I'm just taking you with me because I want you to be mine."

"But I don't want to be yours." Riker said. "I have a family and girlfriend. I don't want to be taken away."

"Well you have no choice. And you are going to break up with your girlfriend soon." Curt said, as he started driving.

"Why?" Riker asked.

"Because I say so." Curt said. "And now I say shut up." Riker instantly shut up Curt drove them to his house, then took Riker inside. Riker looked around the house was really nice. Nothing like what he thought a psycho's house would look like. Curt took him upstairs to a room. "This is now your room, and you stay here unless I tell you to come out. Understood?" Riker shook his head, tears still running silently down his cheeks. "Not understood?" Curt asked. "How is this so hard to understand? I told you, you're staying in here, unless I let you out. That's not too hard to understand."

"Aren't you going to tie me up in the basement or something?" Riker asked, quietly.

"No, unless you want me to." Curt said Riker quickly shook his head.

"Good. I'll only do that if you misbehave." Curt said. "Window's barred, so you can't jump out. Bathroom is in here and so is the closet, and I'm locking the door every time. And if you think of what to call me, it's sir for now. In the future, you're going to call me daddy." He said and left the room, locking the door behind him. Riker stared at the spot he had just been. Did he say daddy? He curled up in the bed in the room. 'Well this isn't so bad.' he thought to himself. 'He could've done a lot worse.'

Curt went back up to Riker's room and opened the door. He walked in with some food. "You hungry?"

"Yes, sir." Riker said, softly.

"Here." Curt handed him the food. "I don't want you to starve."

"Thank-you." Riker said, earnestly. 'Well, that's nice of him.' he thought. 'I mean he could've left me to starve.'

"You're welcome." Curt said, then sat down next to him. "So, tell me about yourself. Stuff you think I probably don't know."

"Um, I don't know." Riker said, blushing.

"Okay, then tell me anything about yourself, and I'll pretend to not know about it." Curt said.

Riker giggled. It somehow didn't bother him that Curt had stalked him now. "Um, well I'm 23. I play bass in the band R5 that I'm in with my siblings and best friend. I have three brothers and a sister. My girlfriend is Savannah Latimer."

"Okay, I know all that, but I don't care about you having a girlfriend." Curt said. "In fact, from now on, she's not your girlfriend anymore."

"But..." Riker said, for some reason the idea didn't seem to bother him as much as it should. "But I love her."

"Do you really?" Curt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I...I...Yes!" Riker said.

"Really?" Curt asked again with the same attitude.

"I...maybe?" Riker said.

"Okay, do you really love her? Do you really wanna marry her, have kids with her, spend the rest of your life with her, forever?" Curt asked.

Riker bit his lip. Did he? "I...I don't know."

"See? So just break up with her already." Curt said, shrugging.

Riker bit his bottom lip, "But I'm here."

"There's a little something called a phone." Curt said.

"I...I can use the phone?" Riker asked.

"Just to break up with her. And you're not gonna mention anything about this, or about me. Just call her, break up with her, and hang up." Curt said. "You better do that because I really don't wanna have to punish you."

Riker nodded. He called Vanni.

"Hello?" Vanni asked when she picked up.

"H...hey Vanni." Riker said, nervously.

"Hey Riker, what's wrong?" Vanni asked, noticing his nervous tone.

Riker cleared his throat. "Vanni, I think we should break-up."

"What?" Vanni asked. "Why? Riker, we're okay right?"

"Vanni, your amazing, but I'm just not sure...your the one...I want to spend the rest of my life with." Riker said, crying.

"Oh..." Vanni said. "I understand.. Did I do something wrong, though?"

"No, Vanni, no. I know it sounds cliche, but it really is me not you that's the problem." Riker said. "I'm so sorry."

"Okay.. It's okay." Vanni said. "We can still be friends, right?"

"Of course." Riker said.

"Bye Vanni." Riker said, softly.

"Bye Riker." Vanni said, and hung up. Riker sighed, and a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Hey, no no, don't cry." Curt said, wiping away Riker's tears and then taking the phone from him. "You did a good job."

"Th..thank you." Riker sniffled. 'He really is nice.' he thought.

"Welcome." Curt said. "Now come on, eat up, baby." Riker nodded, blushing at the team of endearment, and started eating. Curt watched him as he ate, and after some time said, "I'm gonna be getting a few stuff out of the basement to bring in here. While I do that, do you need something I can get for you?"

"I...I don't think so." Riker said, softly, blushing. 'It's really thoughtful of him to ask.'

"Okay." Curt said. "I'll just be downstairs, but I'm sorry, I still have to lock the door." He got up and walked out, locking the door behind him again. Riker sat on the bed. He started to feel really sleepy, and his eyes drifted closed.

Curt came back up sometime later, and smiled to himself when he saw Riker asleep. The drug worked. He picked him up bridal style, then carried him to another room. A nursery, specifically, and laid him down in the adult-sized crib. He changed him into a onesie and a diaper, and set a pacifier and a teddy bear next to him. Curt looked up when he heard the scream, and went over to him. "You're awake, baby."

"What the fuck is going on?" Riker asked in a panic

So....Let me know what you think!! I wrote most of this story with AbbyG_R5 (She's amazing btw)

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