Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning I wake up to the smell of pancakes and I roll over to see Grayson asleep so I get out of bed without waking up Grayson So I go to the bathroom and get a shower when I'm done i blow dry my hair then I put it in a pony tail then I put on some concealer and white eyeshadow with some lip gloss then I go in my room and notice that Grayson is gone so I just shut the door and put on some skinny jeans with a black shirt that says Extreme Awesomeness on it then I put on my light brown boat shoes then I grab my phone and backpack and go downstairs and I see everyone sitting at the dinning room table eating pancakes and when my eyes meet Emily's eyes she asks "Hey can we talk" I just say "I guess" then we walk into the kitchen and when the door is closed she asks "Why are you mad at me" with a sad face I just look at her and say "I know I have been mean to you about living here but it is just that I never thought that my parents would let someone live in my brothers room" she just gives me a sad look and says "I know that it hurts but he will always be in your heart" I just smile at her and we hug then I say "So can we go back I am so hungry" she just smiles and nods her head and we go back and eat then I go upstairs and brush my teeth then I went back downstairs and me and Emily start to walk down our street then I hear someone yell "Wait up Alyssa" I turn around and see Grayson and Ethan running to me and Emily I just smile at them and when they catch up to us I hug Grayson and give him a kiss on the cheek and all four of us walk to school together when we get to school Emily and Ethan go to Emily's locker and me and Grayson go to my locker when we get to my locker I open it and grab all my stuff I need then me and Grayson go to class when I get there I sit in my seat and Grayson sits in his seat and holds my hand then in walks Bethany and I freeze but I can feel Grayson shake me and say "Alyssa please look at me oh come on Alyssa look at me" I try to look at him but my eyes seem to be glued facing Bethany then I hear Grayson say "If you can hear me squeeze my hand" I squeezed his hand and he then told Bethany to leave and looked me in the eyes and I could finally look at him but I was still shaking really bad and he pulled me into his chest and said "It's ok she's gone now" while rubbing my back after an hour of calming me down I finally stopped shaking and the teacher told Grayson and Ethan to take me home and that she would tell Emily's teacher to let her out so Grayson pulled me out of my seat and wrapped his arm around my waist so I wouldn't faint and Ethan cam to my other side and held my hand to try to calm me down when we got to the front of the school Emily ran to me and hugged me while saying "I am so sorry you had to go through that" I just smiled at her and called my mom to come pick us up and when we got to my house my mom said that the school excused all four of us for the day so I went to the bathroom upstairs and got a shower then I wrapped my towel around me and blow dried my hair and put it in a bun then I put on some light pink cheer shorts and a black tank top then I went downstairs and layed on the couch then I heard someone walk in a sit at the end of the couch by my head I looked up to see Grayson smiling at me and then he lifted my head and put it on his lap and then Ethan walked in and put my legs on his lap and then Emily walked in with ice cream and four spoons and sat in front of me and handed me a spoon and I got some ice cream and ate it and then I grabbed the Xbox remote and went on Netflix and put on the movie Chappie and all of us watched movies and ate ice cream then while we were watching The Last Song I realized that Emily had fallen asleep in Ethan's arms and they were both asleep and then I looked up and saw that Grayson was asleep so I turned off the TV and covered Emily and Ethan with a blanket and then I layed in Grayson's arms and covered us with a blanket then I snuggled into him and then I fell into a deep sleep.

Grayson Dolan is my Crush(Under Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя