Chapter Eight

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The next morning I got up around 6:24 so I just got ready I got on a pair of skinny jeans with a pink shirt that said Boss with my silver sandals then I put on my jean jacket then  I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair then I straightened my hair and  it  made my hair look longer then I put on my usual makeup and then I went downstairs and ate cereal then while I was washing my dishes I got a text it was from Grayson morning beautiful it said I texted morning handsome you and Ethan can come over if you want and Grayson replied ok we are on are way a few minutes later I opened the door to see Grayson and Ethan I let them in and went and opened the curtain blocking the slide door that led to the pool when Grayson noticed the pool he said "You have a pool how come I never saw it" I just smiled and looked at the picture on the stand next to the slide door where there was a picture of my brother and me in our pool playing around Grayson just smiled at me and hugged me tight then I said we had to go and I closed the curtain so my mom wouldn't know I was staring at the pool again thinking of memories with my brother  when we got to school Grayson asked me if him and Ethan could come over after school and I said yeah sure they both smiled at me I just started walking to my locker when someone grabbed me by my arm and dragged me into the girls bathroom and I knew instantly it was Bethany when I saw Bethany she looked mad and she said Now her friends then turned on the hand dryer and started to put my hand up the dryer then Bethany said Now I told you to stay out of my way and you get further in my way as she was saying that I could feel the metal bars burning my hand all I could do was cry in pain ok I said I Will dump him just please stop I didn't want to dump Grayson but there was only so much I could handle then they stopped and left I looked at my hand and saw that I had three lines of second degree burn I just wrapped up my hand with a scarf from my bag then I wiped my tears off my cheeks and walked out of the girls bathroom and then I bumped into Grayson looking like he had been looking for me for hours where were you he asked  I didn't say anything I just walked away and entered class then sat down then Grayson entered and sat by me and kept asking what was wrong I just ignored him and then the bell rang and I got up and ran out the room and started walking down the hallway then I felt someone grab my hand I started to cry out in pain and looked and saw it was Grayson he quickly let go looking confused he then grabbed my hand carefully and unwrapped the scarf and when he saw the burns he looked at me his eyes full of sadness I just took my hand back and unwrapped it then I told him that we were done and then I walked away the rest of the day I avoided him and I even took the bus when I got home I put my stuff down and walked the kitchen looking for my mom and she was in there and as soon as I saw her I broke down in tears she quickly came around the counter and hugged me and told me it was okay then I told her that no it was not okay then I unwrapped my hand and showed her my hand she looked at it and started crying then she made me sit down as she got the first aid kit after she put medicine on it she wrapped it with a bunch of white wrap and told me to go rest as I went up the stairs I told her if Grayson and Ethan came over to tell them I was not seeing them ever again she said okay and then I laid down about ten minutes later I heard the doorbell ring and I listened carefully and then I heard the door close then five minutes later I woke up from my nap and I had a text from Grayson it said please tell me what is going on who did that to you I don't understand what do you mean you are not going to see me and Ethan anymore I texted back that it didn't matter who hurt me that me and him were done and that I was going to be home schooled from now on that him and Ethan would not have to  worry about me anymore he didn't text  me back so then I went downstairs and asked my mom if I could be home schooled and she said she had already switched me out of the other school that I would do school online now I said ok and then went to bed because I wasn't hungry at all.

Grayson Dolan is my Crush(Under Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt