Lucky, I'm good with names. Liam, steps toward us, "Why did you bring him here Peter?" He asks Peter, and than looks at me, "Not that I mind, really nice to meet you Harry." He smiles at me before looking back at Peter, "But what will Tinkerbell say?"

Peter sighs and looks down, "She will definitely kill me. But I had no choice Liam, I just had to or else he wouldn't be happy." I stand there as all the boys start to talk about this Tinkerbell. "Um.. Who is this Tinkerbell?" I ask

Peter looks at me, "Tink is my fairy, my friend. But she gets mad very fast and she didn't want me to bring anyone else to Neverland ever again." Peter says and I feel a bit afraid.

"Is she.. dangerous?" I ask. Niall starts laughing again. "Tink is not dangerous," Niall grabs a hold on me and ruffels my hair. "The only one dangerous here is me." He laughs and lets go of me again. I giggle and try to put my hair back in place. Peter looks somehow irritated and crosses his arms.

"Yeah, a danger to yourself. Especially if you're holding a sword." Peter says.

"Eeeey, that's not true! I'm very handy with a sword!" Niall says and pouts.

With that, Peter flies to the other side of the room and grabs a sword. He flies back and points the sword in Niall's direction. Suddenly everyone is silence. "Let's find out shall we?" Peter smirks. "Alright, in the living room." Niall says.

Peter flies out of the room right away, quickly followed by Niall and the rest of the boys. I walk after them. What is going to happen. I walk into the living room and look around. It was a mess though, just like Peter's room. There was a crown laying on a table, a golden crown. How did they manage to get that? And more golden objects where laying acros the room. I see Niall grabbing a sword from the corner of the room where all wappens lay and hang together.

Everyone steps aside to give Niall and Peter more space while they stand opposite of each other. Wait, they aren't going to do a sword fight, are they? I hear Zayn whisper to Natan, "This won't last long." Natan chuckles.

I push myself through the little crowd and stand a bit closer to the two boys with the swords. "Wait!" I say. I can feel everyone in the room looking at me. "Is this serious? Are you two really going to fight? With swords?! Are you out of your mind? You could get killed!" I look behind me to the lost boys. Hoping someone would help me, but everyone looks at me as if I am the crazy one.

Liam walks to me and grabs my arm, "Come on Harry, they will be fine. But you have to step back." He says while dragging me back. "Continue" Zayn says with a grin.

Peter and Niall look back at each other and stand in start positions. "Stop it, please!" I call out to them. "Okay" Peter answers with a smirk, not even looking at me. Suddenly he steps forwards and slams Niall's sword out of his hands. The Sword hits the ceiling and keeps hanging there. Peter points the sword to Niall's chest and everyone cheers and laughs.

Liam doesn't laugh or cheer and walks towards Niall. "That was not fair." Liam says to Peter.

"Yeah, you could of at least letting me win." Niall sighs.

"What's the fun about that?" Peter chuckles

"It's fun for me." Niall says with a smile

Peter rolles his eyes and looks at Liam, "What's not fair Liam?"

"Harry distracts him. He deserves another chance." Liam says

"Fine by me." Peter says and he flies up to grab Niall's sword. "Please don't do it again." I beg him. "We didn't even had a real fight yet. I won't hurt him Harry, I know what I'm doing."

Peter Pan || Larry Stylinson (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now