Chapter 18: Game Plan

Comenzar desde el principio

"Okay, that's even worse than my bomb idea." Harry says, but I stop him by holding up my hand, "If we got enough people gathered to force Adam outside of the studio, we could slip inside unnoticed. Lads that could work." I say

Louis, Harry and Zayn just stare at me like I have a screw loose, while Niall just looks stunned at the fact someone actually agreed with his idea. "Liam. Have you gone mad? If we did that, we wouldn't make it out of the mob alive!" Zayn says after a period of silence.

"Well you want to get your sister back don't you? And I don't see anyone else coming up with any better ideas."

"I guess it could...." Harry says.

"HELL YEAH IT COULD! BE MORE ENTHUSIASTIC HAZZA!" Louis yells in the curly haired boy's ear, causing all of us to jump. It is just me or does Louis always pick the quietest times to just explode like that?

A small smile worms it's way onto my face as the four of them begin arguing about what the best approach will be. Finally, they're taking something seriously...

"Harry could poledance on a street lamp like he did in Gotta Be You. I'm sure that would attract a lot of attention."

Well.....everyone but Lou.

"I'll just get my spare stripper clothes then."

Everyone except Lou and Haz.

"I call picking the music!"

Niall, Harry and Louis.


Okay, so no one is taking this seriously.

"Guys! No pole-dancing. We need to focus!" I yell over the din, quieting the boys, "And Zayn, why would you want to take pictures?"

He shrugs, "I could sell them to some gossip magazine and get rich."

"You're already rich twat." Harry says, reaching over Lou to flick Zayn on the head.

I sigh. This is going to be a long day if these antics keep up. "So, we're creating a distraction without the aid of Harry's pole dancing skills. Does anyone have any idea of where we go after this?"

"Well, as the fans are looking for us. We can sneak in through the back door." Harry offers.

"Yeah. And then 2 of us can go look in Adam's office to see if there's any clues." Niall pipes up, "Someone'll have to be the lookout though, but the other 2 people can scope out the studio."

I nod my head, "Good job Nialler. Never would've thought you could be so secret agenty." The Irish boy smiles in appreciation.

The next 2 hours are spent with the 5 of us discussing different approaches to our plan. By the time the sun is starting to set, we've formulated a plan that would make the CIA jealous. Tomorrow at approximately 10:30 in the morning, Harry and Louis will take a cab to the grocery shop 3 blocks down from the studio with nothing but hats concealing their identity. From the newscasts that we watched earlier, there are quite the number of fans crowded outside the studio, which means that there is a very high chance some of these fans will spot Harry and Lou almost immediately. While those 2 walk around town. Zayn, Niall and I will take a cab to the back of the studio, where we'll wait until Lou and Haz lure the giant mob of fans to the front before sneaking in though the back door. I'm hoping that by this time, most of the staff inside will be at the other side of the building, trying to contain the riled up mob, but some might have stayed behind, so on a suggestion from Lou we're going to be bringing little confetti poppers to draw attention away from ourselves. Once the 3 of us have scouted the area and deemed it all clear, Zayn and I will start to look inside Adam's office while Niall keeps a watch for any unwanted employees. When Harry and Louis manage to get inside the studio, they're going to be snooping around for anything suspicious until me and Zayn leave the office. It should take us about 10 minutes tops to look for anything inside the studio, meaning that at 11:00 am, we'll be headed back to the hotel room.

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