I threw up biscuits for love?

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“So for any of you to have a chance finding love with one of these men, you must obtain manners. And my job is to teach you that, everyone grab a seat!” she orders turning around and planting herself at the head of the table. The Ladies race to sit next to her, and mostly the snobby ones are able to snag a seat. I take my slow time walking to my chair, I'm on a mission to find the sword of Belthazar and this new ruler thing seems like a good lead on it. Sitting down I memorize my surroundings incase an escape is ever necessary, while the woman drones on about how a man won’t acknowledge you unless your well mannered.

Boring. I’ve all ready learned all this junk anyway I might as well have fun and goof off.

“Ahem, young miss I hope you don’t suspect your self to be to good to do any of the things these other ladies are.” The lady says addressing me. I looked around and notice everyone is getting their share of tea and biscuits trying to be as polite as possible.

“No ma’mm I just don’t see it necessary to do this rubbish. I think you’re teaching us all wrong, you basically just struck fear into the hearts of all these girls by telling them they’ll never marry unless they perfect how to properly drink tea. Oh! And if you don’t mind me asking what is your name?” I state dunking a biscuit in the tea and purposely chewing it obnoxiously with my mouth open.

“You will call me Miss, and you are?” she says looking horrified by my manners.

“Matilda.” I reply chugging the tea and letting out a loud belch.

“Mmm seems I got more than I bargained for.”

“You got that right.”

Awkward silence. 

“Hey I wonder if Paul could take a break?” James says bursting through the doors looking immersed in a conversation with Garrett walking next to him.

Awkward silence….

“Ladies! I’d like you to meet Prince James! Impress him enough and maybe one day you’ll be the Queen.” Miss improvises breaking the awkwardness. We all applaud and he awards us with  a little bow.

“So Prince James, do you mind telling us what your favorite characteristic is in a lady?” Miss inquires.

James face breaks into an evil grin, grabbing a chair he reaches for a biscuit and lifts one foot onto the seat of the chair, the other foot stays planted firmly on the ground. Puffing out his chest he places a hand on his hip and the other one holding the biscuit high in the air.

“Who ever can eat the most biscuits, I’ll definitely ask them for their fist dance.” He exclaims waving the biscuit around in the air.

Instantly the girls attack the biscuit stand shoving them into their mouths. It's an instant disaster, crumbs are flying, tea is spilling, and arms are flailing all to impress James. It's almost sickening. Some of the other girls, who hadn’t jumped at the chance to stuff themselves, have an expression I imagine I'm wearing. At first James and Garrett are laughing like crazy, but soon they notice some of them are looking sick and they immediately start trying to regain control of the situation. Some actually throw up and Miss looks as if she wants to crawl in a whole and die. Once the situation settles there isn’t one person without a piece of biscuit smothered somewhere on their body.

Garrets face breaks into a lopsided grin and he chuckles causing the tension in the room to die down. One of the girls, I think her name’s Olivia, squirms a bit in her seat. I watched her eat and I’m positive she hands down, downed the most biscuits I’ve ever seen any one swallow. She squirms a bit again then gets up and moves a plant that is behind her revealing a humongous pile of squashed biscuits. We all just stare at her wondering how she’d done it.

“You didn’t actually think I could eat that much!” she gasps looking a little offended. We all burst into laughter, even Miss chuckles a little, James gives her an amused stare, a corner of his lip turned up in a little smirk.

“Aw, and I was considering asking you to save your first dance for me.” He announces smirking.

“Oh don’t worry you’ll ask me.”

“We’ll see.” James states turning on his heel and walking out the way he came. Garrett Walks in the opposite direction heading towards the kitchen slowing down only to tug on a strand of my hair. I try not to blush but trying is just making it worse.

“Ladies, I expect you to clean this mess up.” Miss says getting up from her chair. We groan expecting the command. She leaves and we all shuffle round the room scooping the food into piles. Some of the girls who work in the kitchen come out with supplies to help us clean, making the job go by lots faster. When we finish we head outside the castle separating into little groups. Jane and I choose a spot in the shade of a large oak tree that looks sturdy enough to climb. Olivia stands in the middle of the groups with a frail looking girl standing close to her. She looks as if she's sizing up the groups, and seems uninterested with everyone till her eyes fall upon us. Immediately her face lights up and she drags the petite girl over to where we are standing.

“Hey were going to sit with you guys from now on.” She says planting herself in front of us.

I like her already. She is tall and fit with a pretty head of strawberry blond hair that goes down to the small of her back. Her eyes are a light shade of brown and they look wise despite her age. She holds herself with dignity and grace but not like she's better than anyone. Plus if it came down to it, I’m positive she’d be able to beat-up anybody she wanted to. The girl next to her is a complete opposite. She's tiny and fragile looking with jet-black hair, Pale skin, and two massive light blue eyes. She fiddles with her fingers and seems to wince anytime someone says anything. She's like a pretty little glass doll meant for staring at and nothing else.

“May I sit with you all too?” she asks barley above a whisper.

“Oh Grace, stop with this foolishness if I can sit here you definitely can too.” Oliva says pulling the girl down to join our circle.

We just sit there for a while, Grace smoothing out the crinkles in her dress till they become nonexistent, Olivia gnawing on a hangnail, Jane slouching then sitting up straight reminding herself about good posture, and me twirling blades of grass in-between my finger.

“Well this has been a nice chat, but Jane and I really must be on our way.” I say yanking Jane’s arm up.

“Where must we be going to?” 

I hiss in her ear, “Remember we’re here on a mission, not to be lollygagging around snooty princesses.”

“Either way I’m still stuck with a snooty princess.” She snorts.

“Fine stay here!” I growl throwing her arm back on the ground and stomping off in another direction. After I leave it seems like they immediately start talking to each other, they giggle and laugh like they’ve been friends since the beginning of time.

Fine then I'm better off without them any way.

I stroll into the castle, heading to the library. Bookshelves are always suspicious places to keep secret things. Maybe I’ll find a hollowed out book, or maybe when I pull on a book a secret corridor will open. Who cares I just want something to keep me busy! On my way to the library I pass the king’s quarters. Of course they're heavily guarded, but this time it looks like more guards than usual are lazily standing around it.

The advantage of always visiting the castle is the fact that I know all the secret halls and rooms in this palace. I know in the guest room next to the king you could hear everything he did, as long as you were super still and quiet. Slipping into the room, I lay tummy down on the floor closest to the king’s quarters. It takes me a while to get situated but when I do I can hear everything.                 _____________________________________________________________________________  woop woop i uploaded!!! I'm sorry guys that i have not been uploading lately but i have to be honest. I was just thinking like weeelll what's the point of uploading if no ones going to read it? But then i realized that I wrote the story for fun and NOT for reads, so I'm just gonna get back to that :D plus its much more fun when u just really don't care any more, so expect more, more often!! oh and my chapter titles are horrendous!!!! D: uuggghhhhh but i dunno i can't bring myself to put part 1 part 2 part 3 so just excuse the cheesines . . . >_<

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