chapter 15.

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Picture of Prince Yangwon.  Kim Jaejung is in the picture someone had photoshopped of him wearing the Joseon king clothing.xD


chapter 15.

            The next day, Queen Insun is sitting in her quarters clutching her hands together as the memories of last night keep replaying over and over.  She rubs her temple in agitation wishing that they would disappear along with Min Woo.  “Your Highness, Prince Yangwon is here to see you,” Lady Seom announces.  Upon hearing this, Insun’s eyes brighten.

            Prince Yangwon enters and smiles lighting up his beautiful face.  Min Woo’s looks could never compare to Yangwon’s.  Even the women at the palace would comment on the Prince’s beauty.  “Your Highness,” he says bowing to her before sitting across from her.

            “Yangwon!” she says brightly.  Yangwon chuckles noting how childish she looks.  Turning to Lady Seom, Insun orders, “Leave us now and don’t let anyone in!”

            “Yes, Your Highness.”  And with that, Lady Seom closes the doors to give the Queen and Prince some privacy.

            “How are you, my Queen?” Yangwon asks giving his full attention to her.  Insun knew that what they are doing is scandalous since she is branded as the “King’s woman.”  However, she never thought of herself as one.  She had met Yangwon before she had ever even met Min Woo. 

Yangwon would often go outside the palace and dress as a nobleman’s son and go on adventures.  Both of them had met on one of his many excursions and fell in love.  However, her father, Chief Secretary Yeon San Gun who was the older brother of Queen Dowager Jeongsun, had entered her name in the selecting of the Crown Princess.  When she found at later that she was chosen, Insun was devastated, and when Yangwon had found that she would be marrying his older brother, he had been angry even though he could nothing about it and told her he would never love another.  Today he still keeps to his promise and never married or even took a concubine much to the chagrin of his mother, Queen Dowager Jeongsun.  

Queen Insun looks away when he asks his question.  Memories of the night before pop up.  “What is it, Insun?” he asks looking genuinely worried leaning towards her.

“The King tried to…s-sleep with me last night,” she whispers not daring to meet Yangwon’s eyes.

“My brother?” he snaps angrily.  She nods.  She meets his eyes and notes that a frown manifest’s his gorgeous face.

“I’m sorry,” she apologizes even though it’s something she cannot avoid.

“Insun,” he says shaking his head as he goes over towards her and takes her in his arms.  “Why do you blame yourself for his actions?  You know it’s something that cannot be avoided as everyone else sees it as your duty for him and your country.  I don’t ever blame you for anything. I…just wish that all this could be avoided.”  Hearing these words uttered from his mouth, Insun starts to cry and clutches his sleeves as she chokes out a sob.

“Yangwon…I hate this so much.  I hate being queen!  And living such a lonely life stuck here,” she sobs. 

“My brother…doesn’t deserve to be king.  Especially the son of a concubine!” he exclaims with disdain as anger churns in his black eyes. 

After leaving the Queen’s Quarters, Prince Yangwon decides to have a visit with his brother.  The Head Eunuch, Nae Si, announces his arrival.  Yangwon storms into the King’s study room where he finds his brother seated behind his desk.  Looking up, Min Woo narrows his eyes at Yangwon’s sudden visit.

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