chapter 11.

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Picture of Princess Hyosung.  Ji Jin Hee as Princess Min Hwa from The Moon That Embraces The Sun.


chapter 11.

          During the time that Aria tutors Princess Hyosung; the two would sit opposite of each other in silence for a long time until the lessons would be over.  Aria would just sit in her spot while reading; every now and then looking up to see the princess glaring at her which she did most of the time.  On the fifth day, Princess Hyosung cries, “This is utterly boring!”  She flings her arms out pounds her legs with her fists.

            Smiling patiently, Aria says, “Your Highness…it wouldn’t be boring if you were doing your studies.  In fact you would be too busy concentrating on your lessons that you wouldn’t have room in your mind to think of the word ‘boring.’”  She pouts.

            “But studying is boring!” she argues.

            “How do you know unless you try?” Aria challenges raising her eyebrows.

            “Because…” she begins.  But then closes her mouth when she can’t come up with anything else to say.

            “Today we will start off with the Thousand Character Classics,” Aria says as she closes her own book and brings the other one as replacement.

            “Thousand Character Classics?!  But I’ve already learned most of them!  That’s all my other teachers ever teach me,” she whines.

            “That’s because you have not fully mastered it yet.  Why must you go onto something else you do not fully understand yet?  After you have mastered the Thousand Character Classics you will almost be able to understand any other texts,” Aria informs her little pupil.

            “Really?” she asks her eyes brightening.  Her teacher nods her head.

            “What characters do you know?” she asks as she goes to where Princess Hyosung is sitting.  The student shows her teacher what she knows. 

            “Hmm…you did quite well but you wrote the character for yellow (黄) wrong,” Aria points out.  Taking the brush from the Princess, she shows her how to properly write it.

            “Ooooh!” the young girl squeals.  “You have such pretty calligraphy!”  The turning to face Aria, she demands, “Teach me how to write as pretty as you do!” 

            Smiling she pats the girl on the shoulder and says, “Of course, Your Highness.  But first, let’s concentrate on learning the rest of the Chinese characters in the Thousand Character Classic and then I will teach you how to write as pretty as mine.”

            Pouting a little, she finally consents with a small, “Alright.”

            Taking out a sheet of paper, Aria lays it on the desk while Princess Hyosung clears the rest of the papers away.  “I’m going to show you something on how you can remember the characters faster.”

            “Really?” she inquires her face brightening with child-like curiosity.

            “Yes,” she smiles mysteriously down to her student who is now all ears. “Watch and pay attention.”  Taking the brush, she dips it in ink and begins to write the characters and then drew images beside them that represented those same characters.

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